Basic survey questions are a must for survey-makers. Regardless of what kind of survey you make, you will need good basic survey questions. To collect insightful and useful data, basic questions are one of the most essential questions that a survey should contain.
If you need survey question ideas for your survey, this article is for you because we have gathered the best 110+ basic survey question examples in different categories with answer options, further question options, four tips to use, and more. Take action and start reading now!
If you want to measure the feedback, experience, or opinions on any topic correctly, you will need quality basic survey questions to start to the point. Instead of going into too much detail from the beginning, a survey should contain fine basic survey questions to warm up the respondents.
Also, since basic questions are easier to answer, you can collect more data from your respondents. Collecting more data from your respondents can improve your survey by reducing errors and improving decision-making. For these reasons, you should never underestimate the power of basic questions.
Asking basic questions in your survey will enhance your efforts, needless to say. These kinds of basic questions can be regarded as an ice-breaker between the survey and the respondent. If you need basic and different types of survey questions for your survey, keep reading because you will find many different survey question types with answers choices below:
To be honest, demographic questions can be regarded as sensitive questions; however, they contribute to the survey in many aspects, including being useful in segmentations, knowing your target audience’s background healthier, and analyzing their answers better. So, here are your basic demographic survey questions:
1. What is your gender?
2. How old are you?
3. In which country do you currently live in?
4. What is your yearly income?
5. Can you please specify your racial or ethnic background?
6. What is your current marital status?
7. What is the highest level of education you completed?
8. Do you currently work?
9. In which sector do you currently work?
10. Where were you born?
A demographic question example about education
Websites have an irreplaceable importance today. Also, it has an important role in terms of the first impression. Every business or company wants to seem professional and properly reflect a good profile on a website. At this point, creating quizzes for your website is essential to test the website via its users. Have a look at these website survey questions:
11. What do you like about our website?
12. What do you dislike about our website?
13. Is our website easy to use?
14. Could you easily find what you’re looking for?
15. What makes us different from others?
16. How often do you use the website?
17. Do you like the design of the website?
18. What is your favorite feature of the website?
19. Does the website feel safe?
20. From 1-10, how do you rate the website?
A website survey question example about visiting frequency
Rating scale questions are an excellent option for those who want to collect more data. Because of their easiness to read and answer, rating scale questions collect valuable data quickly. Similarly, likert scale questions help you to provide a quick overview of a specific topic. If you want to collect more feedback in a shırter period of time, here are your basic rating scale questions:
21. From 1-10, how are you likely to recommend us to a friend or family?
22. How do you scale our service between 1-5?
23. How do you scale our product usability between 1-10?
24. How do you scale the difficulty of the test? [1-10]
25. How difficult was it to find what you were looking for? [1 difficult - 5 easy]
26. How do you rate the food between 1-10?
27. How do you rate the website's usability? [1 bad - 10 good]
28. How do you feel today? [1 bad - 10 good]
29. How are you satisfied with the product design? [1 bad - 10 good]
30. Rate your experience with the speed of the website.
A rating scale question example about satisfaction
On the contrary to close-ended questions, open-ended questions want explained answers by the respondents. Not only do they allow you to collect limitless responses, but they also provide you with more detail. If one wants to get unexpected and new insights, s/he should absolutely ask open-ended questions, and if you are one of them, here are your basic and essential open-ended survey questions:
31. What was the best part of the project?
32. What do you like about your job?
33. How do you describe the house you were born?
34. What do you dislike about your job?
35. What are the difficulties of being a teacher?
36. What characteristics do you believe are appropriate for this job?
37. Can you describe your ideal vacation?
38. If you were reborn, what would you change?
39. How would you describe an ideal team?
40. What is the earliest memory you can remember?
An open-ended question example about business teams
Multiple-choice questions are one of the most common ones used in surveys. As long as they have reasonable and useful response options that can help you learn what you want to know, multiple-choice options can collect valuable data from the respondents. If you need success in all these and learn better the user experience or opinions, you need to consider these basic multiple choice questions:
41. Which is the best season?
42. How do you generally feel in social situations?
43. How do you usually handle stress?
44. Which novel given below do you think is the best?
45. How old are you?
46. Which country has the best food?
47. Which marketing strategy is the most important for you?
48. Which option is the most similar to your market research?
49. Which mobile phone brand do you use?
50. Which mythology do you prefer reading?
A multiple-choice question example about stress
Survey questions for students are an excellent chance for teachers to get to know them, gather feedback, or know their opinions and thoughts. Also, they allow teachers to plan the future better and learn the students’ expectations easier. Survey questions for students will allow for improvement of the lesson, school, teacher, and students’ problems. So, if you need basic and good survey questions for your students, here are them:
51. What are your expectations for this academic year?
52. Do you attend classes regularly?
53. Do you consider the class materials to be sufficient?
54. What is your favorite lesson?
55. What is your favorite topic?
56. Who is your favorite teacher?
57. Do you have a study schedule?
58. Do you have a professional coach?
59. Do the assignments stress you out?
60. Do you get enough pocket money?
A student survey question example about class material
Customer satisfaction survey questions are the perfect way to measure the product or service you share with people. You can collect easily related feedback based on your company’s needs and preferences. For better company performance & reputation, and profitability, each business needs these basic customer satisfaction survey questions:
61. How satisfied are you with our product/service?
62. How easy was it to use our service/product?
63. Have you ever experienced any challenges while ordering?
64. Have you ever experienced any challenges after buying the product/service?
65. Did our product/service meet your expectations?
66. How pleased are you with our company’s level of communication?
67. Was the cost reasonable?
68. Did you have easy access to customer support?
69. Would you like to buy our product/service again?
70. From 1-10, how do you rate your satisfaction?
A customer satisfaction survey question example
Statistics about customer service easily prove customer service’s importance. Customer service survey questions can make improvements on your weak sides or strengthen the strong ones. When you ask basic customer service questions, you can learn the most essential feedback without going into too much detail. So, have a look at these basic survey questions about customer service:
71. Was the customer service helpful?
72. Was the customer service kind to you?
73. Could customer service solve your problem?
74. How long did it take for customer service to solve your problem?
75. What did you like about our customer service?
76. What did you dislike about our customer service?
77. How effectively did the customer service rep answer your question?
78. What can we improve for a better service?
79. From 1-10, how do you rate our customer service?
80. If you have any further comments on customer service, please specify.
The best way to assess your product is to ask product survey questions to the customers. If you are wondering about the opinions, feelings, thoughts, or comments on the product you sell, all you need to do is ask them basic product survey questions. In this way, you can have general about their reflection. You need to have a look at these basic product survey questions:
81. How often do you use this product?
82. How did you hear about this product?
83. Would you recommend this product to your friend or family?
84. What do you like about this product?
85. What do you dislike about this product?
86. What is the strongest feature of this product?
87. Is the product easy to use?
88. Did the product meet your expectations?
89. What can we do better?
90. From 1-10, how do you rate this product?
A product survey question example
Social media has become not only our lives but also an important role in different sectors, too. Especially in recent years, finding someone with no social media account is hard. So, the place and importance of social media are hard to deny today. If you do not want to miss any recent points related to social media, check these basic social media survey questions out:
91. Do you have any social media accounts?
92. What social media platforms do you use?
93. What is your favorite social media platform?
94. What is your least favorite social media platform?
95. How many hours do you spend on social media?
96. Do you regularly share on social media?
97. How many social media accounts do you have?
98. How long have you been using social media?
99. Do you find social media useful?
100. How often do you use social media?
A social media survey question example about favorites
Personality surveys can be done for many reasons, including educational and entertainment. A personality quiz can be defined as a test that helps people learn more about their personality traits. If you are wondering what kind of basic survey personality questions to include, have a look at them:
101. What is your favorite color?
102. What is your favorite type of music?
103. What is your favorite animal?
104. What is your favorite food?
105. What is your favorite band?
106. What is your favorite movie?
107. What are your hobbies?
108. What is your favorite book genre?
109. What is/was your favorite lesson?
110. Do you believe in true love?
The choice of questions is the key part of each survey. Without good questions, you will not be able to collect valuable data and will only waste time. In order to prevent this, you need only essentail and useful questions. If you need more questions apart from the categories given above, you can read these question examples and learn more:
If you want to create an online form, you have many options on the internet; however, if you are looking for a free, easiest, and fastest one, there is only one option left: With the help of this online tool, you can create your survey in a really short period of time and, at the same time, make it look professional. If you are wondering how to follow these 3 basic steps to create your survey:
Start building your survey by using AI if you want to take advantage of the latest technology. Or, you can choose survey templates and make minor changes to them. However, if you want to decide on each detail of the survey and start from the beginning, you need to start from scratch.
Choose a starting point
As we have discussed so far, the importance of survey questions is undeniable. For that reason, you need to choose what is good for your company or business. After adding the important questions for your survey, you can also make changes to how your form looks. You can change many aspects like colors, theme, background, font, etc.
Add your questions and choose a theme
As the final step, after checking your survey to prevent any minor or major mistakes, you can embed your survey as you wish. Also, do not forget that you have multiple options to share your survey.
Share your survey or embed it on a web page
One can easily and quickly create a survey on However, what will make you different from others is paying attention to some definite points. As long as you follow these 4 tips given below, you can become more professional:
To wrap it up, survey questions are important for each business, company, or organization. Especially basic survey questions are inseparable from successful surveys. In this article, we have discussed 110+ excellent basic survey questions from many categories, tips to follow for a better survey, and how to create your own survey. If you have read so far, you already know what to do and where to start!
Şeyma is a content writer at She loves art and traveling. She is passionate about reading and writing. Şeyma has expertise in surveys, survey questions, giveaways, statistics, and online forms.