When it comes to forms, Google Forms can be the first thing that comes to one’s mind. It is easy, free to use, and accessible to all. You can create your form in a matter of minutes and share it with your audience. But as with all good things, Google Forms also has some downsides.
For example, it is free and easy to use, but there are not many options for being creative. One might even say it is limited in the names of having a uniform. As a business owner, freelancer, or even someone who is looking to create fun forms, Google Forms is not the only choice. There are equally good or better form builders that will meet your needs. And we have gathered the 5 best Google Forms alternatives (free of charge) for you to check out!
Google Forms is a form creature accessible to everyone with a Google account. It is free of charge and easy to use. People of any age can create forms as it requires no coding experience It allows its users to create forms in a matter of minutes.
If what you are looking for is a simple and effective form creature that is completely free, Google Forms is a good choice. But is it the best option? It could be effective for personal use however businesses could find it lacking in some ways. Let us have a look at the pros and cons of Google forms to have a better understanding:
Google Forms workspace
Google Forms is usable by many people for numerous reasons. However, it is not the only choice. There are differences between creators that offer various features that Google Forms do not. As a business owner, freelancer, or someone interested in making forms, you should be mindful of the futures you value the most. Now, without further ado, here are five different forms to create alternatives:
#1 Free alternative to Google Forms - forms.app
forms.app is a powerful form creator that offers many smart futures. It has more than 5000 ready-to-go templates to choose from, and its colorful design is very eye-catching. Its free plan is very usable and allows its users all the features. Moreover, anyone of any age can easily navigate their way through forms.app as it does not require any coding experience or knowledge. Now, let us have a look at the pros and cons of forms.app:
#2 Free alternative to Google Forms - Microsoft Forms
Microsoft’s form builder is easy to use, and it is similar to Google Forms. As the name suggests, it is Microsoft's equivalent of Google Forms. Microsoft Forms is a good alternative for people who already have an Office 365 subscription. Because it is free for users with an Office 365 license. Microsoft Office allows you to gather form entries and view data in Excel. Here are the pros and cons of Microsoft Forms:
#3 Free alternative to Google Forms - formplus
formplus is a form builder with ready-to-go templates and offline use options.
With Formplus, you can create mobile-friendly forms from pre-made templates and embed them on your website. You can also do all these without writing a line of code.
There are numerous sharing options as well. You can share your form on social media with QR codes, email Invitations, and offline forms. formplus is a good Google Forms offline alternative that is free of charge.
#4 Free alternative to Google Forms - Typeform
If you’re looking to make unique and appealing forms, Typeform could be the one thing you are looking for. The design of Typeform is quite nice on the eyes. But it may require at least intermediate technical skills to go through. In addition to this, as it is a bit expensive, it may not be the best for small businesses or start-ups. The Plus plan starts at 59 USD monthly, and only 3 users can use it at once.
If you want to see more Typeform alternatives, check out our article: Best Typeform alternatives
#5 Free alternative to Google Forms - Jotform
Jotform is an online form builder that is best for mobile-friendly and responsive forms. It has an online form builder, and you can start creating for free. The free version allows you to make up to 5 forms, hold 100 submissions, and have storage space of 100 MB. However, if you’re looking for more form submissions, storage space, and no Jotform branding, you should think about upgrading to one of its paid plans.
Sim, o Google Forms oferece algumas opções para personalizar os seus formulários. Pode adicionar uma imagem de cabeçalho e alterar o tema, o fundo e o estilo do tipo de letra. Estas funções permitem-lhe dar aos seus formulários um aspeto e uma sensação mais específicos. Para melhorar o conteúdo, pode modificar as perguntas adicionando descrições de títulos e imagens ou vídeos. No entanto, é importante ter em atenção que o Google Forms tem as suas limitações no que diz respeito à personalização avançada.
Não, o Formulários Google não fornece uma funcionalidade incorporada para formatação condicional. Ainda assim, é possível obter resultados semelhantes dividindo o formulário em várias secções e adicionando condições de apresentação a cada secção. A formatação condicional em inquéritos é incrivelmente útil para manter os inquiridos envolvidos. Ela mostra questões com base em respostas anteriores, tornando o formulário mais relevante e mais fácil de ser preenchido.
Google Forms provides numerous advantages in the recruitment process: easy accessibility and time savings with a simple no-code interface, data collection and customization options, and more.
O Google Forms é um dos mais avançados criadores de questionários disponíveis. Também é fácil de compreender e utilizar e permite uma boa personalização das perguntas para criar qualquer tipo de questionário. Se a sua empresa utiliza outros serviços Google, como o Sheets ou o Workspace, pode ser facilmente ligado.
Para integrar seus formulários no Google Forms com o Google Sheets, basta ir para a guia Respostas no Google Forms e clicar em Vincular ao Sheets. Essa ação permitirá que você crie uma nova planilha ou vincule seu formulário a uma planilha existente. Você pode facilmente vincular seu formulário a uma planilha do Google Sheets e editar seu documento a partir daí.
Having a form on your website or your social media account for whatever reason is very smart. Because it saves time, budget, and manpower to achieve a goal. When you have an online form, you can get the job done without wasting any paper or making unnecessary phone calls.
And Google forms is the number one website that comes to mind for creating an online web form; however, it is not the only option. There are many good online form builders, and they all offer different features. We wanted to begin with google forms vs the 5 best alternatives, and after gathering all the information, we’ve come to a decision.
According to all the information, features, and functionality, forms.app is one step ahead of its competitors. It offers its users many smart features, collaboration options, and templates. Therefore, for any business of any size and for any person who wants to create forms, forms.app will help them. Check out the best form builder and survey tools of 2025.
Defne is a content writer at forms.app. She is also a translator specializing in literary translation. Defne loves reading, writing, and translating professionally and as a hobby. Her expertise lies in survey research, research methodologies, content writing, and translation.