Online marketing is expanding rapidly. People tend to buy internet services because they find them easier. Most importantly, people purchase visually appealing things they enjoy because this virtual purchase can not be examined. So, customers usually prefer to share their first impressions when they receive the product. This feedback can influence other potential customers' decisions.
Collecting customer feedback has many advantages to improving products or services and enhancing customer loyalty. In this article, you will learn what a product survey is, the importance of product feedback surveys, and how to create a product survey online. Additionally, you will get 10 questions to ask in a survey and get professional tips to create a better product feedback survey.
A product feedback survey is a tool that gathers all necessary information about products and services from the customers to improve product roadmap according to customers’ needs and preferences.
Buyers can easily fill out the survey to help business owners understand what is missing in their service or product. Many businesses worldwide are trying to develop their products and services. The best way to do this is to learn from buyers who have already experienced the product.
Knowing that your product has negative or positive sides, you can improve your product and give better service to your customers. In doing so, you can enhance your customer engagement and allow them to be heard.
People tend to ask for the first impressions of friends or those who buy the product before buying it. When consumers shop online from your business, it's essential to send product feedback surveys to understand user experience and learn if there are any inconveniences about the product to improve the service experience:
🤝Enhance customer satisfaction: After making a purchase, it's good for customers to know that their feedback, whether positive or negative, really matters and can enhance their satisfaction.
📉Reduce customer loss: Customers are more likely not to shop again if there is an issue with the service or product provided and no one is available to discuss it. Conducting a product feedback survey will eliminate this issue and reduce customer loss.
📦Help to develop your product or service: After collecting feedback from customers, knowing what is missing from your product or service will help you develop areas that need to be improved.
📊Data collection for your future product: People who experience a product or service demand specific changes, and knowing that demand helps you improve your future product or service and your business.
⚔️Providing an advantage over competitors: Regularly conducting feedback surveys shows that customers' opinions are valuable. This helps improve customer relationships and gives the company an advantage in the market.
🖥️Monitoring team performance: Product feedback survey helps businesses support their employees by providing ratings on their work. This ensures businesses assess performance, track progress, and take actions for improvement in a supportive way.
🎯Creates a professional appearance: Maintaining the relationship with the customer after the sale gives the impression that you are more corporate.
Product feedback survey questions are the most valuable part of getting proper feedback to understand customers' needs and preferences. To collect more valuable information, you need to ask simple product survey questions to get the best customer feedback for service.
We put together a list of useful sample survey questions for product feedback to help with your research;
1. How would you rate the quality of the product?
2. How would you rate the purchasing process?
3. What is the difference between the products you have tried and ours?
4. Is the product as effective as you would expect?
5. What features do you generally use in a product?
6. Have you had any problems with the product?
7. If you want to change any features in the product, what would they be?
8. How can we improve our product?
9. Would you recommend this product to your friends and co-workers?
10. Is there anything else to add about the product?
A product feedback survey is an online tool for companies looking to improve their product reviews and customer service. When companies get feedback from customers, they can really understand what their customers want and find a spot to improve. It makes it easy to collect feedback to improve areas according to business needs.
You need to know how to create a product feedback survey. Following the steps below can help you create a better one on
Login to your account
You can easily sign up to or if you have an account you can log in immediately. We know that your time is precious, so you can also log in via Google, Facebook, and Apple accounts.
Choose a beginning option
You can start from scratch if you want to decide on every element from the start. If you would instead save time, select from our user-friendly product feedback survey example to quickly get your form up and running. This way, you can customize the details that matter most to you. You can also take advantage of the fast usage of AI. You can simply create a product survey using AI form generator.
Add your questions
The questions in this section are the most valuable aspect here. Regarding the questions, you can use the ones you created following business needs or check the ones we provided above to get ideas.
💡If you want to learn more about the product feedback survey, check out our article to get more.
Customizing the design of your survey
Every business has a distinct color scheme and typography. You can customize the appearance of your form fields to reflect your brand's requirements. You can also add a logo and change the background and theme. By selecting the customize section, you can change the theme to your liking by adjusting font style, text color, and brightness.
The Connect Tab allows you to connect your form to a database. For analysis and reporting, you can connect with Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, ActiveCampaign, etc. For customer support, you can connect your form with WhatsApp, messenger, etc. You can find various database fields that match your preferences.
Check the integrations to connect
Another useful tool is to tap the settings button, and you will see notification settings in this field. These settings allow you to receive emails when applicants finish their surveys. They automatically send notifications so the product manager can streamline the survey process and allow you to make real-time decisions about products and services.
Customize the email notification settings
Share your survey
At the final stage, you can choose to embed it on your website or share it across all digital platforms. You may also set up privacy choices like public, limited, and private in the settings. Additionally, you can choose how the survey appears on your website when you share the survey link. Also, you can send your survey by email or make a QR code to make it more technological.
Check the survey results
After you share your form, you can analyze the results. You can learn about participants' behavior on your form by using results. This information can help you to understand your form success. What you can learn from the statistics page is the number of attendees, the platform where the form was submitted, and the location where the form was submitted.
For continuity and to grow your business to the next level, you need to show your customers that their opinions matter. To make the process simple and easy to use, there are a few things to keep in mind when you create a user-friendly product feedback survey.
You need to follow some basic steps to create one, but if you want to make a pro one, these are the pro tips to follow:
💫Keep it simple and short: You can not understand the customer's first impression of the product or service. If the consumer has a negative impression of the product, long questions and complicated surveys might overwhelm them. Make the survey simple and short to provide you with proper feedback from the consumer.
❓Use open-ended questions: Customers usually prefer to give detailed answers. Create this change, add open-ended questions, and give them an opportunity to specify more detailed answers.
➕➖ Combine positive and negative claims: To really understand what your customers are saying, include both positive and negative claims in your survey to get the full picture of their perceptions.
🚫Avoid asking irrelevant questions: If you don't follow the survey's main logic and ask participants irrelevant questions, they might not complete it.
🎨Take your time creating your design. Response rates to online surveys will be higher for well-designed and presented surveys than for poorly designed surveys. Take your time when you create a product feedback survey.
🧪Test it before publishing: Before making it public, have a few people take a test run of the survey to ensure that it is working properly and that all of the questions are clear.
📈Track your progress: Consider using the net promoter score (NPS survey) to find out how likely people are to recommend your product to their friends or co-workers.
Understanding better customer behavior and improving your business customer service can influence customer satisfaction and reduce customer loss. You can learn about pre-sales and post-sales processes directly from customers through feedback surveys and then make necessary changes to create a sustainable business model.
Here is a list of 5 exciting statistics about the feedback surveys;
💡Over 99.9% of customers read reviews when they shop online. 96% of customers specifically look for negative reviews. (Trustpulse)
💡49% of consumers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends and family members. (Searchenginejournal)
💡%65 customers have changed to a different brand because of a poor experience. (Khoros)
💡%90 of customers rate an immediate response as important or very important. (Hubspot)
💡Just %17 of consumers are willing to suggest a brand that offers a solution that is both slow and effective. (Harvard Business Review)
Understanding customers' behaviors after the buying process is the most valuable part for companies. Once you see the difference when you conduct a product feedback survey regularly, in the end, you will understand that a product feedback survey is the best way to collect information about your product or service to improve your business and enhance customer satisfaction.
So far, in our article, you have learned what a product feedback survey is, the importance of using a product feedback survey, and 10+ questions to include in your product feedback survey. You have also learned how to create an online product feedback survey using an online tool like and insightful tips for making better and more efficient surveys.