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Online surveys may have higher response rates than other types of surveys because they are easy and convenient for respondents to fill out. Because it can include various advanced features such as jump patterns, branching, and multimedia elements that can improve the quality of the data collected. One of these is scaling, and it is used in surveys to measure respondents' opinions.
In this article, you will learn what the Likert scale is and how to create your own Likert scale with forms.app, examples of Likert scale questions, and how to use the Likert scale in surveys or forms.
Scaling questions in questionnaires, such as star ratings and opinion scales, are used to measure respondents' opinions on a topic. These questions are usually done using scales such as the Likert scale, which consists of five or more options. They consist of a series of statements, and respondents are asked to rate their level of agreement with each statement from 1 to 5 (or sometimes from 1 to 7).
The Likert scale can be used for various purposes, including research studies, marketing research, and customer satisfaction surveys. While this scaling system can be used to measure respondents' views and opinions, more is needed to explain their reasons. But it has several benefits, and they are listed below:
Statement: "I believe that the company's products are of high quality."
Respondent options:
The Likert scale is a type of rating scale commonly used in survey research that allows respondents to indicate how much they agree or disagree with a statement or question. There are many Likert scale questionnaire examples, and in this article, you can see the steps to create a form or questionnaire using the Likert scale.
There are many methods for Likert scaling with forms.app, and you can learn how to create your own Likert scale with each of them by following the steps below.
This method involves displaying a range of stars (e.g., 1-5 stars) and allowing the respondent to select the number of stars that best reflects their level of agreement or disagreement.
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This method involves presenting the respondent with a range of options such as "strongly agree," "agree," "no side," "disagree," and "strongly disagree" and allowing them to choose the option that best reflects them.
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This method involves presenting the respondent with a single statement or question and allowing them to choose either "agree" or "disagree."
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This method involves presenting the respondent with a series of statements or questions and allowing them to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement for each using a scale (e.g., 1-5, where 1 indicates strong disagreement and 5 indicates strong agreement).
Likert scales are versatile instruments that measure various attitudes, opinions, and behaviors in various contexts. Likert scale questionnaire templates are available to facilitate this scaling. However, with forms.app, you can add Likert scales to all templates.
Workplace surveys: Can be used to measure employees' views about the workplace. For example,
1 - How satisfying do you find working in this workplace?
Education forms/surveys: Can be used to measure students' opinions about education programs or teachers. For example,
2 - How meaningful do you think the content of this lesson was?
Health forms/surveys: Can be used to measure opinions about health services. For example,
3 - How good quality do you think the services of this health institution are?
Using a Likert scale can help collect data and gather insights from respondents. You can better understand their attitudes and opinions by providing a range of options and asking respondents to rate whether they agree or disagree with a statement.
Following the examples and methods in this article, you can use the Likert scale on forms.app to collect valuable data from your forms or surveys. Try forms.app to create surveys with the Likert scale for free now to get better and more accurate results!