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Understanding the working conditions and getting opinions from teachers is essential since the educational landscape is generally broad and demanding. It's also critical to take into account teachers' experiences in the classroom in order for both teachers and students to succeed.
In this article, we provide 45+ survey questions for teachers that are essential to ask in order to get useful survey results. These well-prepared questions explore a range of topics related to teaching, learning, and the educational setting. You can view the full article for more details about school teacher surveys.
According to Education Week’s article, most teachers say feedback has improved their instruction. Based on a report conducted with American teachers, 76 percent of them said they made improvements to their instructional practices as a direct result of their evaluations.
When national teachers receive feedback and observations more frequently, they tend to view the evaluation systems in a more positive light. (Education Week)
When you want to improve the teaching quality, you always need feedback to count on. Obviously, surveys are the best way to gather data and feedback. Students’ success also depends on the teaching process, in other words, teacher performance. Here are some benefits of teacher surveys categorized generally:
The teacher satisfaction surveys are a great way to show the relevant audience that their voice truly matters. The critical point here is asking the right questions in the right way. As a guide, we listed over 45 questions for your inspiration. Let’s take a look at them and begin your survey process right away!
General teacher survey questions are questions to gather general data before starting in-depth questions in a survey. They include information such as the teacher’s background, current employment situation, and general view of teaching.
1. How long have you been teaching? (Single selection)
a) Less than a year
b) For 2-5 years
c) For 5+ years
d) Other
2. Where do you work? (Single selection)
a) In a public school
b) I work with individual students privately
c) In a university
d) In an institution
e) Other
3. Are you employed now? (Yes/No)
4. What is your degree? (Short text)
5. Do you think you are born to teach? (Single selection)
a) Definitely yes
b) Not sure
c) Absolutely not
Teacher survey questions to ask students are questions designed to gather feedback from students about the general classroom environment. Teacher surveys for students seek to evaluate many aspects of students' learning and participation.
6. Are the course materials and resources easy to access and helpful? (Yes/No)
7. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with this teacher's class? (Star rating)
8. How effectively does this teacher incorporate multimedia or technology into their lessons? (Single selection)
a) Very effectively
b) Somehow effectively
c) Moderately
d) Ineffectively
9. Do you feel motivated and engaged during this teacher's lessons? (Yes/No)
10. Would you advise other students to take this teacher? If not, why not? (Long text)
11. On a scale of 1-10, how do you feel comfortable asking questions or seeking help from this teacher? (Opinion scale)
12. Does this teacher offer opportunities for personalized learning? (Yes/No)
13. Are the workload and assignments in this class manageable? (Single selection)
a) They are always manageable.
b) Sometimes the workload is high level.
c) They are never in an appropriate level of volume.
14. Do you think the teacher genuinely cares about your educational future? (Yes/No)
Teacher survey questions to ask parents are questions that aim to reveal the thoughts of the parents and caretakers of the children about the educational phase. These questions define the student-parent-teacher relationship.
15. Does the teacher provide your child prompt, helpful feedback on the child’s homework and tests? (Yes/No)
16. Could you please rate your satisfaction with the teacher's ability to address your child's learning needs? (Star rating)
17. How successful is the teacher in creating a positive class environment? (Single selection)
a) Extremely successful
b) Successful
c) Slightly successful
d) Not successful
18. What do you appreciate most about this teacher's teaching style or approach? (Long text)
19. Does your child concentrate in class? Are there any distractive elements? Please explain. (Short text)
20. What are your child's concerns or challenges in this class? (Long text)
21. Can you give examples of how the teacher has helped your child learn in more detail? (Long text)
22. How often does the teacher provide opportunities for your child to work collaboratively with peers? (Single selection)
a) Always
b) Often
c) Sometimes
d) Rarely
e) Never
23. Are you satisfied with the teacher’s overall teaching performance? (Yes/No)
Teacher survey questions to ask colleagues are questions that are developed for teachers to get feedback and understanding from fellow teachers. They assess various components of educational techniques, teamwork, and the general workplace.
24. How do your methods differ from other teachers? (Long text)
25. How do you see the [name a teacher]’s general teaching skills based on their student success? (Short text)
26. Do you keep your students enthusiastic? (Yes/No)
27. What are your present objectives for your teaching career? (Long text)
28. Have you studied or incorporated any new educational trends or technologies into your teaching? (Yes/No)
29. Do you get along well with other teachers? (Yes/No)
30. Have you ever been included in another teacher’s classroom for any reason? Please explain your experience. (Long text)
31. How frequently do you work with coworkers to further your professional development? (Single selection)
a) Once a year
b) Twice or more a year
c) Once a month
d) Several times a month
e) Once a week
f) Every other week
g) Never
f) Other
32. What advice do you have for other colleagues? (Long text)
Teacher survey questions for teachers are questions that give educators an authorized space to express their viewpoints. Individual instructors can use them to reflect on their own practices or evaluate the students.
33. Do you think your students feel comfortable in the class? (Yes/No)
34. On a scale of 1-10, how well are you for maintaining effective communication? (Opinion scale)
35. Do you assign an appropriate volume of homework? (Yes/No)
36. Could you please rate the effectiveness of collaborative planning sessions with colleagues? (Star rating)
37. Can you provide an example of a challenging classroom management situation? (Long text)
38. Which tools or strategies do you use for classroom organization? (Multiple selection)
a) Classroom seating charts
b) Technological apps
c) Tracking Schedules
d) Other
39. Have you ever changed your grading methods since you started teaching? (Yes/No)
40. What is your grading method based on? (Multiple selection)
a) Class participation
b) Homework and assignments
c) Quizzes and tests
d) Communication skills
e) Creativity
f) Presentations
41. On a scale of 1-10, how well do colleagues support each other? (Opinion scale)
42. Are you happy with the current management staff? (Yes/No)
43. Have you ever considered leaving the profession? (Yes/No)
44. What do you think about the general relations between the people (school leadership, teachers, students, cafeteria personnel, etc.)? (Long text)
45. Do you think the communication between the teachers and the principal should be strong? (Yes/No)
We have mentioned the importance of teacher surveys in the sections above. Now, you may wonder how or where to create your survey. Your answers are included in this section. forms.app is a powerful free tool for creating teacher surveys. This step-by-step guide will help you design a tailored survey.
Step 1 - Sign in and go to the dashboard
Step 2 - Choose a starting point
Step 3 - Add your questions or edit existing ones
Step 4 - Customize survey design
Step 5 - Share or embed your teacher survey
Teacher surveys serve crucial functions by gathering comments regarding teaching practices. Whether you're a teacher trying to improve your methods, a school administrator trying to improve the learning environment, or a student or parent trying to give insightful feedback, these surveys are essential.
We have included over 45 survey questions that are crucial to ask in order to get useful survey data. These carefully constructed questions examine a variety of teaching-related subjects. Let's begin the process of gathering insightful information and promoting educational growth.
Ayşegül is a content writer at forms.app and a full-time translation project manager. She enjoys scrapbooking, reading, and traveling. With expertise in survey questions and survey types, she brings a versatile skill set to her endeavors.