Grading quizzes and exams is a crucial task. Unfortunately, grading papers becomes a heavier burden as the number of students in the classroom increases. That is why many teachers dread the idea of reading and grading papers and let their assistants do all the grading most of the time. However, what if there was a quick and easy tool to grade your papers?
In this article, you will learn how to effectively use Google Forms to grade quizzes, a better version of creating and grading quizzes and online exams with the help of the advanced features of, and frequently asked questions about how to grade responses in Google Forms.
Google Forms is one of the best tools for creating and grading online quizzes or exams. There are numerous areas of customization, and while it may get a little hectic from time to time, if you follow the steps and create a few short trial quizzes, you will be able to understand the process easily.
Create your quiz
The first step of grading is to create quizzes in Google Forms. To create a quiz in Google Forms, simply start as you would create a normal form and click on the Settings tab. Within the Settings tab, toggle the setting that says Make this a quiz. This will give you additional settings that you will have to examine.
Choose the best quiz option for you
Once you see the additional settings after you toggle Make this a quiz setting, you will see two options for how to release your grades. You can let the students see their grades immediately after they complete the quiz, which is the easier version. If you would like to individually grade each question yourself, toggle the Later after manual review setting.
💡The manual review setting also turns on the Collect email addresses setting so that you can send the grades to students after your review.
After you toggle on the necessary settings, simply add your Google quiz questions and answer options and customize your form to finish the creation process of your quiz. Try to add different question types, such as short-answer or multiple-choice questions. After completing your questions and visuals, you must create an answer key so your quiz can be properly graded.
Grade the quiz
To create an answer key, simply click on the questions themselves and click on the Answer key setting at the lower left side of the question. You can choose which answer or answers are correct and assign point values for them with this setting.
💡You can also add answer feedback for correct and incorrect answers through the Answer key setting.
After you assign all the points, complete the answer key, and add feedback to the questions that you want, it is time to share your quiz with your students. Once you share your quiz and start collecting responses, you can head to the Responses tab.
Check the results
The Summary tab shows the total number of responses, the average score, and more. Furthermore, the Questions tab shows how your students are doing on each individual question, which is a great tool for identifying which questions they are struggling with. Lastly, the Individual tab shows the responses of each individual student.
Once you collect all the responses, it is time to grade them and give the necessary feedback to your students. If you have toggled the Immediately after each submission setting, you will not need this step. However, if you have toggled the Later after manual review setting, this step is for you.
You can grade the responses by either going to the Questions tab or the Individual tab. Each tab allows you to give points for correct answers and add feedback for your students. Simply scroll down and click on Add individual feedback to give your feedback. Once you are done, you can send your students their grades and feedback by clicking on Send.
If you would like to create the best online quiz or exam experience for your students, increase their interest in your class, and engage them in learning, try using With the help of several advanced features within, creating online quizzes and grading your student’s responses are the easiest it has ever been. Do not worry. There are no difficult-to-understand settings or confusing features.
Choose a beginning option
To start creating your quiz, simply select a blank form, choose between our numerous quiz templates, or use AI. Afterward, add your questions from the Fields tab within the Build section, and customize the visuals of your quiz by heading to the Design tab.
Style your quiz
Use dedicated fields
Once you add the general questions, we recommend experimenting with different dedicated question options within the Fields tab. These questions, such as a dropdown question that opens up a drop-down menu or a picture selection question, may add diversity to your quiz and keep your students engaged with the topic.
Use the calculator feature
After completing the creation process, you must head to the Logic tab to make your form into a quiz. Within the Logic tab, head to the Calculator feature. The Calculator feature allows you to assign points to each answer option in every question. Therefore, you can choose to have more than one correct answer for a question.
Share your form
Once finished, simply share your form by heading to the Share section and collecting responses. However, the Share tab is not just for sharing your quiz. You can also use the social media shortcuts to share your quiz on social media platforms, such as your class’ WhatsApp group, or change the sharing settings.
Use various integrations
After you have started collecting responses, we recommend visiting the Connect section to connect your quiz data to a workflow for better management and storage. Additionally, you can head to the Results section to look at the statistics of your quiz and analyze your student’s performance. The Results tab lets you see many details, such as the number of responses, the average submission time, and more.
Since you understand how to grade your quizzes using both Google Forms and, it is time to get into the details of some frequently asked questions about grading Google Forms. These questions may allow you to understand any details or important points you missed.
Die Bewertungstabelle erscheint, nachdem Sie anfangen, Antworten zu sammeln. Der Registerkarte Antworten zeigt die einzelnen Diagramme für jede Frage an. Unterschiedliche Diagrammtypen sind für verschiedene Fragen verfügbar, so dass es einfacher wird, die Analysen Ihren Schülern oder anderen Lehrern zu präsentieren.
Glücklicherweise kann Google Forms Punkte vergeben. Indem Sie Ihr Formular in ein Quiz umwandeln und jeder Frage einen Punktwert zuweisen, indem Sie den oben beschriebenen Schritten folgen, können Sie Google Forms die Punktevergabe für Ihre Quiz überlassen.
Ja, Sie können Bewertungen in Google Forms durchführen. Alles was Sie tun müssen, ist den Fragetyp zu ändern, sobald Sie Ihre Fragen hinzugefügt haben. Klicken Sie einfach auf die Frage und wählen Sie Mehrfachauswahl aus. Ändern Sie dann den Fragetyp in Mehrfachauswahlraster und ändern Sie Ihre Frage in eine Bewertungsfrage.
Der Weg, um lange Antworten in Google Forms zu bewerten, ist derselbe wie bei jeder anderen Frage. Wenn die Frage eine definitive Antwort hat, können Sie einen festen Punkt zuweisen. Wenn nicht, folgen Sie einfach den oben genannten Schritten, um manuell Punktewerte für Fragen zuzuweisen.
Um zu lernen, wie man die Notenübernahme in Google Forms aktiviert, gehen Sie einfach zu Google Classroom, klicken Sie auf Ihre Klasse, gehen Sie zu Classwork, dann klicken Sie auf die Quiz-Aufgabe und gehen Sie zu Aufgabe anzeigen. Sobald Sie auf der Seite Schülerarbeiten sind, klicken Sie auf Noten importieren, dann klicken Sie auf Importieren. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Option zur Notenübernahme in Google Classroom aktivieren.
In summary, using a tool such as Google Forms to create and grade your students’ exams and quizzes is crucial if you want to decrease your workload as a teacher. Furthermore, it allows you to experiment with different question types to keep your students engaged with your class.
In this article, we have looked at how you can use Google Forms to grade quizzes and exams, a better and more accessible way to both create and grade quizzes with the advanced features of, and several frequently asked questions. Use these steps to create a great online quiz experience for your students and decrease your workload!
Yakup is a content writer at He is also a skilled translator. His hobbies include reading, learning about different languages, and different branches of sports. Yakup's expertise lies in translation, NoCode tools, and Google Forms.