Knowing how to integrate different applications and use them together effectively increases efficiency and ensures a stable workflow for your business. One of the most popular platforms many businesses use is Google Forms, which is incomplete without Google Forms integrations to Google Sheets.
In this article, you will learn why it is important to go through the process of Google Forms integration with Sheets, the easiest steps for how to integrate Google Forms with Google Sheets, and how to integrate your forms with Google Sheets in We will also examine the frequently asked questions about integrating Google Forms with Google Sheets.
While integrating Google Form responses to different sheets is quite easy, most users of Google Forms either do not know how or choose not to use it as they do not know about the benefits of the process. The most prominent benefits of integrating Google Forms with Google Sheets include:
🎯 Easier tracking: As the integrated sheets get updated in real-time, it allows you to track the form process more easily.
🎯 Secure storage: Google Sheets allows you to store your form’s data in several spreadsheets to increase its security. This can be crucial for forms that hold valuable data.
🎯 Ability to create charts: Since your data will be in a spreadsheet, you can have the option to create charts or visual maps.
🎯 Better analysis options: Integrating your Google form with Google Sheets also allows you to use the features within Google Sheets to improve the analysis process of the data that you have collected.
Assuming that you have gone through the process of creating a Google Form, the steps for integrating your Google Forms form into a new or existing spreadsheet are fast and easy. Although linking Google Forms to Google Sheets is an easy process, it is important to keep in mind that having extensive knowledge about both platforms can take your data management skills to another level.
Google Forms homepage
The first step in integrating your Google form with Google Sheets is heading to the Google Forms interface and opening your form. Make sure that your form is complete before heading to other steps, as you would have to unlink your form or create a new spreadsheet if any data is mixed up.
Go to responses
After you open up the Google Forms interface and open your form, the first step that you must take is to head to the “Responses” tab. You will use this tab frequently with Google Sheets after you start collecting data because the “Responses” tab shows you all the data you have collected and can give you different charts based on different question types.
After you head to the “Responses” tab and make the necessary adjustments, click “Link to Sheets” to start the integration process. Once you click on “Link to Sheets,” you will be met with a pop-up menu with two options: From these options, you can choose to either create a new spreadsheet for your form data or link the form to an already existing spreadsheet.
Click “Links to Sheets”
Once you click on “Create” or “Select,” depending on your selection, you will be directed to a spreadsheet, and all the data you have collected will also be copied to the spreadsheet. The data will be updated automatically as you collect more and more data.
Check the answers on Sheets
Linking your form with Google Sheets means that most of your work on Google Forms has been finished, and now you must dive into Google Sheets. There are endless options within Google Sheets: You can make pie charts with Google Forms data, organize the spreadsheet for presentations, and more.
If you would like to have a better option for creating your forms and integrating them into Google Sheets, is here to help. With multiple advanced features, you can create the best experience for your business and your customers. This will not only increase your brand reputation but will also increase the quality of the data that you collect.
Choose a beginning option
The first step of integration in is creating your form by heading to the form creation page. offers three main ways to start your creation process: You can choose to start with a blank form, choose one of our many templates, or use AI to create a personalized experience with just one sentence.
After you choose your base, the second step is simply adding the questions and customizing the visuals of your form. Both of these actions can be done within the “Build” section. To add or edit questions, you can head to the “Fields” tab and different questions based on what your form needs. To customize the visuals of your form, simply head to the “Design” tab.
Add your questions
💡The design tab also allows you to have animated themes for your survey. Go to the end of the design tab to choose an animated theme.
Share your form
After the creation process, you can start collecting valuable data to link to Google Sheets. You can start collecting data by sharing your form through the “Share” tab and changing several settings. The “Share” tab is not just for sharing purposes; you can embed your form into your website and set up a customized domain.
Connect your form to Google Sheets
The final step of the integration process is heading to the “Connect” section to link your form to the database of your choice. The advanced features of allows you to link your form to multiple workflows such as Google Drive, Google Sheets, Slack, and more. You can also sort out different workflows from the right side of the page to choose the one that suits your form the best.
Now that you have learned how to integrate your form data with Google Sheets on both Google Forms and, it is time to look at some of the frequently asked questions about integrating Google Forms with Google Sheets and give some Google Forms tips and tricks to take your data management skills to the next level.
Evet, Google Sheets'i Google Forms ve diğer birçok Google tabanlı uygulamaya entegre edebilirsiniz. Ayrıca, verilerinizi Google Sheets ile bağlayabilirsiniz ancak bunun için platformların izin vermesi gerekir. Verilerinizi Google Sheets ile bağlamak için istediğiniz platformun entegrasyon ayarlarını kontrol edin.
Google Sheets içinde Google formlarınızı entegre etmek için yalnızca Google Forms içindeki “Cevaplar” sekmesine gidin ve “Sheets ile Bağlantı Kur” seçeneğine tıklayın. Bu işlem, yeni bir elektronik tablo oluşturmanıza veya formunuzu mevcut bir elektronik tabloya bağlamanıza olanak tanır. Formunuzu kolayca bir Google Sheets elektronik tablosuna bağlayabilir ve belgenizi oradan düzenleyebilirsiniz.
Maalesef, Google Sheets'te görev atama için doğrudan bir özellik yok. Bununla birlikte, sağ tıkladıktan sonra atamak istediğiniz göreve tıklayarak "Yorum"u seçebilir ve atamak istediğiniz kişiyi "@" işaretinden önce kişinin adını veya e-posta adresini yazarak etiketleyebilirsiniz.
Sonra, onay kutusuna ve "Ata"ya tıklayın. Böylece etiketlenen taraf bir e-posta bildirimi alacaktır. Görevi tamamladıktan sonra "Tamamlandı"yı işaretleyebilir. Görevleri doğrudan atamak için üçüncü taraf uygulamalar da kullanabilirsiniz.
In summary, linking your Google Forms data with Google Sheets is a great way to safely store your data, track your progress with automatic updates, have better analysis options with the help of Google Sheets data management features, and present better with the ability to create charts. Using both platforms effectively will help you collect important data and allow you to track and analyze that data.
In this article, we have examined why to integrate your Google Forms data with Google Sheets and a better way to both create forms and integrate with workflows with the help of We have also examined the FAQs about integrating your Google Forms with Google Sheets. Try to use both platforms effectively to increase your efficiency and success.
Yakup is a content writer at He is also a skilled translator. His hobbies include reading, learning about different languages, and different branches of sports. Yakup's expertise lies in translation, NoCode tools, and Google Forms.