Are you looking for a way to find your most tremendous potential sportspeople? Then, you will get what you want after reading our article! Finding appropriate sports attendees for sports institutions, your club, or your organization might be a challenging process for you; however, good sport survey questions are the best way to achieve this.
Every sports organization or community might have different kinds of standards, rules, or preferences, needless to say. For that reason, choosing the right sports survey question ideas based on your needs and preferences is the key point here.
In this article, you will learn everything before you send surveys to your potential candidates. We have listed the best 100+ sport survey question examples with their definition and categorized them in various titles for you to find better. Moreover, you will learn how to create a survey with your favorite sport survey questions.
A sports survey is a document that collects essential data about sports for specific entities. These questions might ask for information about health, routines, diet, education, or other background data related to or affecting sports. These questions help you understand whether the candidate is skilled enough or has the necessities for a fruitful career.
The definition of a sports survey
Sharing a sports survey with the candidates will be an excellent event to meet your expectations. The best way to reach your team's most appropriate sportspeople is only possible by inviting them to attend this event.
Types of sports surveys cover various kinds according to the purpose of making, the audience it appeals to, or the type of event. For that reason, the questions will show differences from type to type. Types of sports survey questions can be listed as follows:
The question selection is critical for the sports survey, just like others. Each sports institution, club, or organization has its own mission, vision, priorities, and preferences. For this reason, your survey should be different from the others and include the exact questions to test whether the attendees are compatible with your team.
So, we have listed the best 100+ sports attendance survey questions for you to share and to build your dream team!
General sports survey question example
Regardless of the type of sport, asking about general sports in your sports survey is a must for you because, in this way, you can learn the candidate’s basic interests and skills. If you want to learn interests and skills of them, here are the general sports questions:
1. How often do you play sports?
2. When did you first realize your interest in sports?
3. What does sports mean to you?
4. Do you use social media for sports?
5. Do you enjoy watching live matches?
6. What does the sport change in your life?
7. Do you consider sports as a purpose or an activity?
8. How long have you been involved in sports?
9. Do you do sports regularly?
10. Do you follow any specific diet?
Sports teams question example
Sample survey questions for sports clubs aim to learn the general and basic requirements and conditions. In this section, you can ask about the qualities that you think the people who will take part in your team should have. Here are the great question examples for sports teams:
11. Are you introverted or extroverted?
12. Can you adapt easily?
13. Do you want to rule or be ruled?
14. How is it important to adapt to the team?
15. Do you prefer individual tasks or group tasks?
16. How is friendship important to you?
17. How important is it to feel belonging to a team?
Sports fan survey question example
Fans and sports are indispensable factors. It is fanaticism that makes sports enjoyable and makes it possible for so many people to come together and watch it with excitement. Sports fan survey questions will also be helpful for marketing channels. So, have a look at the sports fan survey question given below:
18. What is your favorite team?
19. What is your favorite sport?
20. Who is your favorite sports player?
21. Which sports accounts do you follow on social media?
23. How long have you been supporting the team?
24. How long have you been supporting the sportsman/sportswoman?
25. Have you ever watched them live?
Sports survey question example for teenagers
It is possible to notice the hidden talents and potential sportspeople at an early age by presenting them with a well-prepared sports survey. Asking them questions about the sport they are interested in and have potential will help you to check their professionality level. Check the best survey questions for teenagers:
26. How is it possible to do sports at school?
27. What sports can you do at school?
28. Do you think your school’s equipment is enough for you?
29. Do you do sports outside of school hours?
30. What sports do you play?
31. Do you have a team with your friends?
32. What does sports mean to you?
33. Do you see yourself in sports events in the future?
34. How supportive is your family about your interest in sports?
35. Overall, how satisfied was the event for you?
36. What did you like about the event?
37. What did you dislike about the event?
38. What can we do to get better?
39. How are you likely to come to our next event?
40. Please add any further opinions or recommendations.
41. How would you rate your interest in sports from 1 to 10?
42. In which sports branches would you lite to choose to attend?
43. Which sports do you think you are the most successful?
44. Are you used to exercising regularly?
45. Would you advise others to attend this event?
46. Did you anticipate more from the event?
47. Was the event well-organized?
48. Was the age range of teams correct?
49. Did the event end flawlessly?
50. Did something happen that you thought was not right?
51. How was the event well-organized?
52. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor sports?
53. Would you like these activities done more often in your school?
54. What sports would you like more?
55. Are the competitions at school a source of morale for you?
Gender inequality in sports survey question example
Gender inequality is a problem in sports as in many fields and in real-time. To stop and prevent gender inequality can be possible by collecting data and statistics about it. This situation creates a need for gender inequality surveys. Check the essential gender inequality questions given below:
56. What does gender inequality mean to you?
57. Have you ever witnessed or experienced gender inequality in sports?
58. Do you see a difference between a sportsman and a sportswoman?
59. Do you think males have concerns about gender inequality in sports?
60. Do you believe there is a categorization as sports for women and sports for men?
61. Do you think men and women are given equal opportunities?
62. Which sports do you think have gender inequality the most?
63. Do you agree that gender matters in sports?
Sports survey question example for various types of sports
Instead of asking general survey questions for sports, you can ask the most essential questions to your target audience. Asking about their thoughts, opinions, and feelings toward the sport will help you better understand the sports candidates. If you are looking for event survey questions of various types, see the questions listed below:
64. How long have you been playing basketball?
65. When did you first start playing basketball?
66. How often do you play basketball?
67. Do you know the techniques of the play?
68. Why is basketball your favorite sport?
69. What do you like about playing basketball?
70. Have you ever played basketball professionally?
71. Have you ever played basketball on the school’s team?
72. Do you know the techniques of the game?
73. Do you think a football career?
74. What is your favorite football team?
75. Who is your favorite football player?
75. How long have you been playing football?
76. What does football mean to you?
77. How often do you play football?
78. When did you first start playing football?
79. Generally, how do you get prepared for football matches?
80. Do you like playing or watching games more?
81. How is it important for you to follow the coach’s directives?
82. What is your biggest motivation for baseball?
83. What is your favorite baseball team?
84. Who is your favorite baseball player?
85. Have you played baseball professionally?
86. Do you want to build a career path in baseball?
87. Do you see yourself as the discipline that can improve in this sport?
88. What do you most like about baseball?
89. Do you believe that you are an easygoing person?
90. How important is it to you be compatible with the team?
91. Do you work out regularly?
92. Do you have a specific routine for baseball?
93. Do you have a characteristic technique?
94. What does extreme sport mean to you?
95. What makes you consider a sport “extreme”?
96. How do you describe your feelings while doing extreme sports?
97. How was your first extreme sport experience?
98. Which extreme sports have you experienced so far?
99. Which extreme sports would you like to try the next time?
100. What drove you to do extreme sports?
It is vital to show the difference and not to ignore your own needs and priorities while creating a sports survey. If you do not have an idea how to do it, no worries because you will see it step by step! It is super-easy as long as you use an online tool like
Here are the easy steps for you to follow and create the perfect your own sports survey:
There are two ways to get started: either choose a template or start from scratch. You will have more freedom to customize your survey if you start from scratch. Nevertheless, using a ready-to-use survey template may have favorable outcomes. You may instantly benefit from AI’s ease and fast of use.
Choose how you like to get started
Adding your own sports questions that are appropriate for your vision, mission, and needs is the critical point. You can select your questions from the list above. Also, you might decide on the types of questions. Do not forget that multiple-choice questions are easier to fill in; however, open-ended questions contain more-detailed answers from the event attendees.
Add your own questions to your sports survey
If you have made progress with constructing your online survey but still want to make changes, you do not need to worry because you can edit the survey’s look and aesthetic. You might alter the background, font type, font size, colors, theme, etc.
Change your survey design
The most satisfying aspect of the survey-creation process is checking and sharing it with others since you be pleased to see how near success you have come! You can share your survey on different platforms, including Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, and WordPress.
Share the survey link, generate a QR code, or embed it on a web page
In short, sports surveys and post-event surveys are used to gather feedback about respondents’ values, opinions, and mental toughness, as well as their understanding of sports. To learn these, preparing a good online survey form is a critical point for you. If you have read so far, you are lucky because you know how to do it properly with all aspects & tips!
Şeyma is a content writer at She loves art and traveling. She is passionate about reading and writing. Şeyma has expertise in surveys, survey questions, giveaways, statistics, and online forms.