Do you want to evaluate and increase the success and effectiveness of your organization? If so, conducting organizational intelligence research is a very effective method. These surveys allow you to comprehensively assess various aspects of your organization in multiple situations. Continue reading our article to learn everything you need about organizational intelligence research and benefit from its advantages.
In this article, we discuss organizational intelligence surveys and how to create them. We include 20+ sample organizational intelligence survey questions that you can use in your survey. You can also see situations where you can use these surveys and the advantages they provide.
Organizational intelligence surveys are valuable research tools that allow you to measure and evaluate various aspects of an organization's functioning in many areas, such as organizational policies and practices.
You can determine many aspects through these surveys, such as leadership, employee participation, corporate culture, communication, decision-making processes, and general efficiency. Thus, you can create an action plan based on the results and develop strategies in the necessary areas.
Organizational intelligence surveys are surveys that benefit your organization in many ways. There are a wide variety of situations where you can benefit from these surveys. Below, we list some examples of situations where you can benefit from organizational intelligence surveys:
⏰You can benefit from organizational intelligence surveys during significant organizational changes such as mergers, acquisitions, and restructuring strategies. This critical process helps you understand your employees better and evaluate the effectiveness of change strategies.
⏰You can use these surveys to ensure employee loyalty and satisfaction. You can evaluate your employees' work experience, satisfaction, and loyalty through these surveys. Thus, you can increase satisfaction and loyalty by making the necessary improvements in line with the results you obtain.
⏰Organizational intelligence surveys are a valuable tool for assessing the effectiveness of your current strategies. These surveys allow you to gain real-time insight into your employees' thoughts about your current plan and processes.
⏰These surveys can help you remain dynamic, up-to-date, and competitive in the market environment. Regularly applying organizational intelligence surveys can also make the improvement process more efficient.
💡You can also read our article, a complete guide to market-driven organizations for gaining success and competitive advantage.
Thanks to corporate intelligence surveys, you can comprehensively evaluate your employees' emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. You can create a supportive work environment by collecting data on your performance and identifying improvement areas. Below, we've included 20+ questions you can ask in your business intelligence survey:
1. Do you think our organization effectively communicates its goals and vision?
2. How committed is our organization to its values and mission?
3. What do you think about our organization's general work culture?
4. Is our organization open to change and new ideas?
5. What do you think about our investment planning for new technologies and processes?
6. How would you evaluate our business decision-making process?
7. Do you think our organization is committed to diversity and inclusion?
8. How effective do you find internal communication within the organization?
9. How would you rate teamwork and collaboration among business units?
10. Do you think our organization cares about customer satisfaction?
11. Does our organization make its employees feel valued and appreciated for their contributions?
12. Does our organization provide sufficient opportunities and resources for development and training?
13. Does our support employee development and career growth?
14. Do you think our organization considers employee needs and expectations?
15. How would you evaluate your work-life balance while working in our organization?
16. Does our organization consider employee feedback?
17. What areas do you think are the strengths of our organization?
18. What is your favorite area of work in our organization?
19. In what areas do you think our organization needs to improve?
20. What suggestions do you have for improving our organization?
Creating an organizational intelligence survey is vital for collecting data and information about employee experiences, feelings, and behaviors in the work environment. You have seen 20+ essential questions to ask in an organizational intelligence survey. Now, it's time to learn how to create these organizational surveys. You can easily make your organizational intelligence survey by following the 6 steps below:
Login to your account
You can start creating an organizational intelligence survey by signing up for an account using the survey platform. If you already have an account, you can go directly to the platform. The allows you to log in or sign up using your Google, Apple, or Facebook accounts.
Choose a beginning option
Once logged in, click the Create Form button to create a new form. You can create your organizational intelligence survey for free to increase your success according to your goals. You can also use other ready-to-use survey templates on and optimize them according to your goals. You can also get help from AI for creating your survey.
Add your own survey questions
You need to add your survey questions based on your goals. The forms app offers a variety of question types, such as multiple-choice, short-answer, and long-answer. Adding your survey open-ended question types increases effectiveness and helps you understand your employees' perceptions. You can also use the 20+ organizational intelligence survey questions above in your survey.
Change the design of your survey
You can easily customize the survey design offering’s rich content. You can select a theme and change colors. You can enrich your form images, a logo, and a cover. You can tailor colors, fonts, and overall design tools to create a survey that mirrors your company's identity. Additionally, you can choose a new background image and a view type.
Share your survey
You can share your organization intelligence survey to team members using various sharing options from the forms app. You can share your survey on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp. In addition, you can copy your survey link and share it with your employees via SMS and e-mail for easy access.
Check the results
Once you have gathered feedback, you can use the's features like statistics and filters to analyze survey responses. This way, you can better interpret the benchmark data you collect and evaluate your employee feedback more efficiently. Accurately analyzing survey results will help you create a strategy that increases and measures employee engagement and satisfaction.
💡Also, you can benefit from employee satisfaction surveys and employee engagement surveys to evaluate employees' engagement levels and satisfaction.
Creating an organizational intelligence survey has many advantages for employers and employees regarding the success and effectiveness of the organization. These surveys aim to increase business efficiency, benefiting both employees and employers. We have listed the advantages of the organizational intelligence survey for your company below:
➡️Identify your organization's strengths and weaknesses.
➡️Evaluate and increase the effectiveness of your internal communication.
➡️Understand your employees' behaviors, thoughts, and experiences better.
➡️Evaluate and increase employee satisfaction and loyalty.
➡️Evaluate the efficiency of your decision-making and management processes.
➡️Measure your corporate culture and its impact on employees.
You can evaluate your organization's efficiency and general functioning through organizational intelligence surveys. Based on the survey results, you can improve your desired areas and increase your effectiveness. You can read our other survey articles to learn about the effects of surveying. Also, you can find detailed information about other surveys you may need.
In this article, we talked about what organizational intelligence surveys are and in which situations they are used. We've provided 20+ examples of questions you can ask in an organizational intelligence survey. Finally, you learned how to create an organizational intelligence survey in 6 steps and the benefits these surveys provide.
Işılay is a content writer on She is passionate about advertising. This passion comes from the fact that she likes to make things interesting for people. She loves reading and writing. Işılay specializes in marketing, survey types, and program management.