Will sales be good next month? Are you ready for the winter season as a business? Is your annual turnover stable? If you are wondering about the answers to these and similar questions, time series analysis will help you in this subject. Get excellent results for your research by examining trends and patterns depending on the time variable. Now, let's dive deeper into time series analysis, starting with its definition.
Time series analysis is a statistical method used in data science to examine a series of data points collected at regular intervals over a period.
Many different variables affect an event, but the time series analysis primarily examines time. Therefore, in this method, data is not recorded randomly but continuously at regular intervals.
Time series data is unique because it can reveal the change of variables over time, highlight critical periods, and clearly show the factors that affect the outcome. But to do this successfully, you need many data points. Only then can you understand whether the patterns are really changing at a regular rate and whether the monthly and seasonal variables are well-defined. Ultimately, you can use the data turned into information to make predictions and plans about the future.
Time series analysis is one of the analysis techniques used for future trend prediction. It uses historical data and reveals the pattern between past events. So, you use it most basically when you want to make a rough prediction about the future. Apart from that, you can also use it in the following situations:
Correct times to use time series analysis
⏰When analyzing economic factors: It can be used to examine any economic scenario, big or small. It is an ideal tool to track the country's general inflation rate, unemployment, and salaries and plan accordingly.
⏰When managing demands: It can be used to adjust the supply-demand situation when you enter a new market or want to pre-supply for future sales.
⏰When studying social media trends: Analyzing the social media interactions of your customers or potential customers can be used to make adjustments to the current and future direction of your business.
⏰When evaluating environmental changes: This research is useful for the Ministry of Environment. However, since it is also research that businesses that interact with the environment should do, this analysis can be used to examine variables such as climate change and ocean temperature.
There are many reasons why organizations and businesses use time series analysis. First and foremost among these are the positive aspects of examining data over time. To expand on this further and give other examples, here are the objectives of time series analysis:
Great reasons to use time series analysis
✅Enhancing decision-making: Understanding past phenomena makes it easier to predict future trends so you can make final decisions with more confidence.
✅Detecting seasonal changes: You can use it to uncover regular seasonal changes and detect if there are irregularities. This way, you can understand seasonal demands.
✅Detecting anomalies: By detecting irregularities, you can minimize risk situations and notice the wrong course of events early.
✅Forecasting the future: The most important thing in matters such as budgeting and replenishment is to be able to make realistic forecasts. For this reason, you cannot find any other perfect type of analysis than time series analysis for forecasting because it examines time as the main variable.
The data in time series analysis consists of large datasets that can contain many different variables. This often requires refinement with more complex methods. There are many different methods, but you cannot use all of them because you need to choose according to your purpose. Otherwise, even if you perform time series analysis correctly, you will reach inaccurate results due to errors in modeling.
Here are some analysis types of time series you can use:
Types of time series analysis
It is used to learn more about observed patterns. It aims to answer a situation as to why it occurred at that time. It is used to explain the underlying reasons for observed patterns in time series analysis. For example, it is used to reveal the reason for trend patterns or seasonal effects observed in certain months. In this way, analysis models produce more comprehensible outputs.
This analysis, which describes any situation or problem, is used in time series analysis to describe exactly what the past situations were. In time series analysis, it is used to summarize data results and classify them if necessary. It provides a better understanding of historical data and forms a step towards more complex analyses.
It is an analysis used to make comments and predictions about the future, usually based on historical data using machine learning. When used with the inputs of descriptive analysis, it allows for the distinguishing of variables and patterns more easily and the production of values accordingly. Especially when supported by techniques such as ARIMA, it leads to an effective decision-making process for businesses.
To understand time series analysis, you need to understand its components. These components make it easier to classify the data, allowing you to get information more easily and, therefore, make more accurate predictions. The four main components of the analysis are the trend, seasonal variations(seasonality), cyclic variations, and unpredictable variations(irregulars).
Components of time series
Time series analysis is a robust method used in many different disciplines, from scientific research to economic research, education, health, and so on. The reason why this method is so popular is that it explains the situations that change over time very well. In other words, due to this feature, it is widely used in areas that require prediction, such as weather or stock markets. Now let's look at some examples of time series analysis here:
A meteorological institution has studied the rainfall patterns of a certain region for the last fifty years. Their aim is to make agricultural improvement and planning. For this, they started to do a time series analysis.
A financial consultant analyzes the daily closing prices of a company's stock over the last ten years. Their aim is to understand past patterns and produce investment strategies.
You can use modeling techniques for time series analysis to reflect data results more effectively. Since this is necessary to produce more precise insights, it is best to utilize them. Roughly four techniques will be discussed here:
Techniques of time series
💡Exponential smoothing: This method is used to format data for shorter-term predictions. Therefore, recent data points are more important than the older ones. With this method, you can reach precise and consistent results, especially about trends and seasonal varieties. There is a more complex technique called Holt Winter’s forecasting, also known as triple exponential smoothing, which you can use to make short- or medium-term forecasts.
💡Moving averages: This method is used to highlight trends by reducing fluctuations in data. It involves calculating the average of a set number of consecutive data points and doing this repeatedly to calculate the overall average. With this method, you can eliminate unwanted information in the data and emphasize recent data.
💡Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA): The ARIMA model is a statistical technique that combines three components(AR, I, and MA). The AR component examines the dependencies to model the data. The I component eliminates trends or seasonal variations and makes the data stationary. The MA component reveals the pattern and completes the modeling.
💡Seasonal decomposition of time series (STL): The STL technique reduces the time series analysis components to three: trend, seasonal variety, and noise. It separates seasonal changes from other components for better analysis. Thus, it allows you to understand situations with complex seasonal factors.
A statistical technique like time series analysis needs to be explained in detail, but this article focuses on the key points. Accordingly, you can find the critical points you are curious about in the frequently asked questions below.
Es gibt ungefähr fünf Schritte bei der Zeitreihenanalyse.
Schritt 1 ist Datensammlung, bei der Sie Daten sammeln und für die Analyse organisieren.
Schritt 2 ist Datenanalyse, bei der Sie eine explorative Analyse durchführen, um Muster zu finden.
Schritt 3 ist Dekomposition, bei der Sie vier Komponenten einer Zeitreihe teilen.
Schritt 4 ist Modellauswahl, bei der Sie Ihre Ergebnisse darstellen.
Schritt 5 ist Validierung, bei der Sie die Ergebnisse bewerten und Pläne für die Zukunft machen.
Die vier Komponenten der Zeitreihenanalyse sind Trends, saisonale Variationen, zyklische Variationen und unvorhersehbare Variationen. Der Trend ist die allgemeine Richtung, in die sich die Daten über einen längeren Zeitraum bewegen. Saisonale Variationen sind regelmäßige, sich wiederholende Muster oder Veränderungen, die in bestimmten Intervallen auftreten, wie z.B. monatlich oder saisonal. Zyklische Variationen sind langfristige Schwankungen oder Zyklen in den Daten, die in der Regel mit wirtschaftlichen oder geschäftlichen Zyklen verbunden sind. Unvorhersehbare Variationen sind zufällige, unregelmäßige Veränderungen in den Daten außerhalb von Musterbeziehungen.
Während sowohl Zeitreihen- als auch Regressionsanalysen statistische Techniken der Datenanalyse sind, unterscheiden sich ihr Anwendungsbereich und ihre Zwecke im Kontext. Die Datenquelle der Zeitreihenanalyse besteht aus Daten, die zu bestimmten Zeitintervallen gesammelt wurden. Ihr Ziel ist es, Muster und Veränderungen im Laufe der Zeit aufzudecken.
Auf der anderen Seite analysiert die Regression die Beziehung zwischen einer abhängigen Variable und einer oder mehreren unabhängigen Variablen, um ein Ergebnis vorherzusagen oder zu erklären. Zeitreihendaten sind sequentiell und abhängig von der Zeit und werden häufig in Bereichen wie Wirtschaft, Wettervorhersage und Marketing verwendet. Im Gegensatz dazu können Regressionsdaten entweder querschnitts- oder längsschnittartig sein und werden in Bereichen wie Marketing, Finanzen und Gesundheitswesen intensiv genutzt, um Beziehungen zu bewerten.
All in all, time series analysis is a unique statistical tool with a wide range of applications and consistent results. With this technique, businesses gain information about past situations, which sheds light on future problems.
The table of contents of this article is as follows: The article started with the three Ws (what, when, why) about time series analysis in general terms. Then, the types of analysis, components, usage examples, and techniques were explained to you so that you can learn the importance of time series analysis. In light of all this information, you are now able to use this analysis for your business or organization and get actionable insights.
Atakan is a content writer at forms.app. He likes to research various fields like history, sociology, and psychology. He knows English and Korean. His expertise lies in data analysis, data types, and methods.