A personality quiz is a fun option one can use to bring enjoyment to different occasions. It can be used among friends on a quiz night or among students in a classroom. And, questions can be asked on different subjects too.
Here, we have gathered 150+ fun personality quiz questions that are reliable and valid and show a path to gain a deeper understanding of personality profiles. Let us get started!
When to use personality quizzes
A good personality quiz offers valuable insights into various aspects of human behavior, preferences, and traits while being entertaining. It takes minutes to complete and the test measures various personality types and may even help choose a career path. Here are some appropriate contexts for using personality quizzes:
- To break the ice and spark conversations
- For personal reflection and understanding of one's strengths
- To help students understand different learning styles
- For friends and family to understand each other better
Why to use personality quizzes
Personality quizzes can be valuable tools for various reasons, from acting as assessment tests to helping career planning and enjoyment. A personality can help someone understand their own personality traits and strengths by promoting self-awareness. In education, they support student engagement. They may also be useful for mental health and well-being by facilitating self-awareness.
150+ Entertaining personality quiz questions
Crafting a number of questions to unearth someone’s personality type or find out which fictional character they are is quite easy with these questions. There are 150+ entertaining questions that focus on different question areas, such as “This or That questions” or career personality questions and more.
General personality quiz questions
This type of personality quiz questions aims to uncover different aspects of your personality by asking questions about simple life matters. They focus on how one handles stress, what kind of vacation suits one best, or what one's ideal weekend looks like.
1. What's your favorite time of day?
- morning
- afternoon
- evening
- night
2. How do you prefer to spend your free time?
- reading a book
- watching TV or movies
- exercising or playing sports
- socializing with friends
3. What type of vacation do you enjoy most?
- beach getaway
- mountain retreat
- city exploration
- cultural or historical tour
4. How do you handle stress?
- meditation or relaxation techniques
- talking it out with friends or family
- physical activity
- distracting yourself with hobbies
5. What's your favorite type of food?
- Italian
- Mexican
- Chinese
- Indian
6. Which pet would you prefer?
7. How do you like to start your day?
- with a hearty breakfast
- with a workout
- by catching up on news or social media
- by sleeping in as long as possible
8. Which genre of music do you enjoy the most?
9. What's your ideal weekend activity?
- going on an adventure or trip
- relaxing at home
- working on a hobby or project
- attending social events
10. How do you approach problem-solving?
- analyzing all the details
- brainstorming creative solutions
- seeking advice from others
- trusting your instincts
11. What is your preferred mode of transportation?
- car
- bicycle
- public transit
- walking
12. Which season do you like the most?
13. How would you describe your social life?
- very active
- moderately active
- somewhat active
- not very active
14. What is your favorite type of movie?
- action
- comedy
- drama
- science fiction
15. How do you prefer to communicate with others?
- in person
- over the phone
- via text or messaging apps
- through social media

A general question about personality
This or That questions to know your personality
This or That questions are questions that ask people to choose between two different but similar things. They are basically asking, “Would you rather do this/have this?” or “Would you rather that?”. The two things can be about anything you want, big or small.
16. Coffee or Tea?
17. Early Bird or Night Owl?
18. Introvert or Extrovert?
19. Books or Movies?
20. Cats or Dogs?
21. City or Countryside?
22. Summer or Winter?
23. Sweet or Savory?
24. Spontaneous or Planner?
25. Beach or Mountains?
26. Music or Podcasts?
27. Shopping Online or In-Store?
28. Mornings or Evenings?
29. Comedy or Drama?
30. Phone Call or Text Message?

A this-that question about personality
Questions about movies & series
The subject of movies and series is a good icebreaker in any situation. You can find out a lot about someone’s favorite genre or what they focus on when they watch a series. These questions are created to go into detail about people’s preferences when it comes to watching movies and series.
31. What genre of movies do you enjoy the most?
- Action
- Comedy
- Drama
- Science Fiction
32. Which do you prefer?
33. How often do you watch movies or series?
- Daily
- A few times a week
- Once a week
- Rarely
34. Do you prefer watching alone or with others?
- Alone
- With friends
- With family
- It depends on the show or movie
35. What type of characters do you find most interesting?
- Heroes
- Villains
- Anti-heroes
- Side characters
36. How do you choose what to watch?
- Recommendations from friends
- Online reviews
- Trailers
- Random selection
37. Do you prefer watching movies/series on a TV or a device?
38. Which of these streaming services do you use the most?
- Netflix
- Hulu
- Amazon Prime
- Disney+
39. What's more important to you in a movie or series?
- Plot
- Characters
- Visual effects
- Dialogue
40. Do you prefer binge-watching or watching one episode at a time?
- Binge-watching
- One episode at a time
41. Which do you prefer: movies based on true stories or fictional worlds?
- True stories
- Fictional worlds
- Documentaries
42. Do you enjoy re-watching movies or series?
- Yes, often
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
43. What’s your favorite way to watch a movie?
- At the cinema
- At home
- At a friend's place
- Outdoors
44. Which type of movie ending do you prefer?
- Happy endings
- Cliffhangers
- Twists
- Open endings
45. What’s your favorite type of series?
- Sitcoms
- Dramas
- Thrillers
- Fantasy/Sci-fi

A personality question about movies/TV series
16 personality test questions
The 16 Personality types model refers to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a popular personality assessment tool based on Carl Jung's theory of psychological types. You can use these questions below to build a 16-personality test yourself.
💡According to this model, there are 16 distinct personality types, each represented by a combination of four dichotomies:
Introversion vs. Extraversion
Introversion vs. Extraversion
Sensing vs. Intuition
Thinking vs. Feeling
Judging vs. Perceiving
46. Which of the following best describes your preference for social interaction?
- I prefer spending time alone or with a few close friends.
- I enjoy being around people and often seek out social situations.
- I feel equally comfortable in both social and solitary settings.
- I tend to feel overwhelmed in large groups but enjoy smaller gatherings.
47. When making decisions, do you typically rely more on:
- Objective logic and consistency
- Personal values and how the decision affects others
- A mix of logical analysis and personal impact
- Instinct and gut feeling
48. Do you find it easier to focus on:
- Specific details and immediate realities
- Patterns, possibilities, and the big picture
- Both details and big picture, depending on the situation
- The practical implications and potential outcomes
49. In your daily life, do you prefer:
- Having a set plan and sticking to it
- Keeping your options open and being spontaneous
- A balance of planning and flexibility
- Adapting to whatever comes up without a strict plan
50. When faced with a problem, do you tend to:
- Analyze it from all angles and make a decision based on logic
- Consider how it will impact people and make a decision based on empathy
- Use both logical analysis and consideration of personal impact
- Rely on past experiences and personal intuition
51. How do you usually handle a new project?
- By planning out every detail before starting
- By diving in and adapting as you go
- By making a general plan and adjusting as needed
- By gathering input from others and starting with flexibility
52. Do you prefer:
- Practical and concrete information
- Theoretical and abstract ideas
- Both practical and abstract information, depending on the context
- Information that combines practical and theoretical elements
53. When working on a team, do you usually:
- Take charge and organize the group's efforts
- Contribute ideas and collaborate with others
- Support the team with ideas and help keep things organized
- Observe and contribute when needed, letting others lead
54. How do you feel about deadlines?
- I prefer having deadlines to keep me on track
- I find deadlines restrictive and prefer working at my own pace
- I can work with deadlines but need some flexibility
- I work best when deadlines are clearly defined but allow for adjustments
55. Do you generally find it easier to:
- Stick to routines and schedules
- Adapt to changing circumstances and spontaneity
- Balance routines with the ability to adapt as needed
- Follow routines but be open to changes when necessary
56. When faced with a difficult decision, do you:
- Seek advice from others and weigh all the options
- Rely on your gut feeling and personal values
- Use a combination of advice and personal intuition
- Analyze the situation thoroughly and consider all perspectives
57. How do you prefer to spend your free time?
- Engaging in activities that are well-planned and organized
- Exploring new experiences and being flexible
- A mix of planned activities and spontaneous adventures
- Relaxing in familiar environments with some unplanned activities
58. Do you usually:
- Focus on facts and concrete details
- Think about future possibilities and abstract concepts
- Consider both concrete details and future possibilities
- Reflect on practical outcomes and long-term goals
59. In social situations, are you more likely to:
- Listen and observe before engaging
- Jump into conversations and actively participate
- Participate when interested but prefer listening at times
- Engage selectively based on the topic and people involved
60. How do you typically approach conflict?
- By addressing it directly and finding a logical solution
- By considering everyone's feelings and finding a compromise
- By analyzing the issue and seeking a balanced solution
- By resolving the issue through discussion and understanding different perspectives

A question about personality type
Psychology questions
These psychology test personality quiz questions are created with the aim of asking about how people perceive stress, what motivates them, and their values. You can find out a lot about a person by the way they answer each of these questions.
61. How do you typically handle stress?
- By practicing relaxation techniques or meditation
- By talking to friends or family
- By engaging in physical activity or exercise
- By distracting yourself with hobbies or activities
62. When faced with a challenging situation, do you:
- Analyze the problem thoroughly before acting
- Seek advice from others to find a solution
- Trust your instincts and make a quick decision
- Avoid the situation and hope it resolves on its own
63. Which best describes your approach to goal-setting?
- Setting clear, specific goals with detailed plans
- Setting broad goals with some flexibility
- Focusing on the overall vision without strict goals
- Preferring not to set goals and taking things as they come
64. How do you usually feel in social situations?
- Energized and engaged
- Comfortable and at ease
- Anxious or nervous
- Neutral or indifferent
65. When making decisions, do you primarily rely on:
- Logical reasoning and evidence
- Personal values and emotions
- A combination of logic and emotion
- External opinions and advice
66. How do you generally react to unexpected changes in plans?
- Adapt quickly and adjust your plans
- Feel frustrated but eventually adjust
- Resist change and prefer to stick to the original plan
- Take a wait-and-see approach before reacting
67. What motivates you the most?
- Achieving personal goals and milestones
- Receiving recognition and praise from others
- Experiencing new challenges and adventures
- Maintaining stability and routine
68. How do you usually approach problem-solving?
- By breaking down the problem into smaller parts
- By brainstorming creative solutions
- By consulting others for their input
- By relying on past experiences and intuition
69. When you feel overwhelmed, do you:
- Prioritize tasks and create a plan to manage them
- Take a break and return to the tasks later
- Seek support from others to help manage the workload
- Push through and continue working despite feeling overwhelmed
70. Which type of work environment do you thrive in?
- Structured and organized with clear guidelines
- Flexible and dynamic with room for creativity
- Collaborative and team-oriented
- Independent with minimal supervision
71. How do you typically respond to criticism?
- By evaluating the feedback objectively and making improvements
- By feeling hurt but reflecting on the criticism later
- By dismissing it and focusing on your own perspective
- By discussing it with others to gain different viewpoints
72. In terms of personal relationships, do you value:
- Deep, meaningful connections
- Frequent communication and interaction
- Shared activities and experiences
- Independence and space
73. What is your approach to handling conflict with others?
- Addressing the issue directly and seeking a resolution
- Avoiding confrontation and hoping the issue will resolve itself
- Seeking compromise and understanding from both sides
- Discussing the conflict with a mediator or third party
74. How do you feel about setting personal boundaries?
- Important and necessary for maintaining well-being
- Useful but occasionally difficult to enforce
- Somewhat uncomfortable but manageable
- Unnecessary and restrictive
75. When you are faced with a new task or challenge, do you:
- Approach it with enthusiasm and readiness
- Feel apprehensive but eventually tackle it
- Delay starting until you feel more confident
- Avoid it if it seems too difficult or stressful

A personality question about psychology
Career personality questions
Not every job is suitable for everyone, and these questions focus on different aspects of the work-life environment. The answers to these questions are a good indicator of that person’s values when it comes to their jobs. Take a look at these career personality quiz free questions that you can use in a free career test:
76. How do you prefer to approach a new project at work?
- Develop a detailed plan and follow it closely
- Jump in and adapt as needed
- Collaborate with others to gather ideas and input
- Analyze the project and then decide on the approach
77. What type of work environment do you find most motivating?
- Structured and well-organized
- Dynamic and flexible
- Collaborative and team-oriented
- Independent and self-directed
78. How do you handle tight deadlines?
- Plan meticulously to meet the deadline
- Work efficiently and manage time wisely
- Seek help from colleagues if necessary
- Focus on completing tasks as best as possible, even if it means working extra hours
79. When faced with a challenging task, do you:
- Break it down into smaller, manageable parts
- Look for innovative solutions and creative approaches
- Consult with others for advice and support
- Rely on your experience and instincts to tackle it
80. How do you prefer to receive feedback on your work?
- Through formal evaluations or reports
- In informal, constructive conversations
- By having regular check-ins with a supervisor
- Through written comments or notes
81. What kind of tasks do you enjoy the most?
- Detailed and technical work
- Creative and strategic planning
- Team projects and collaboration
- Independent and problem-solving tasks
82. How do you prioritize your tasks at work?
- Based on deadlines and urgency
- By importance and impact on goals
- Through discussions with team members
- By tackling tasks as they come up
83. What type of leadership style do you prefer?
- Directive and clear in expectations
- Participative and inclusive
- Supportive and mentoring
- Hands-off and allowing autonomy
84. How do you feel about taking on new responsibilities?
- Eager and excited for the challenge
- Cautious but open to opportunities
- Reluctant but willing if necessary
- Prefer to stick to familiar roles
85. When working on a team, do you typically:
- Take the lead and organize tasks
- Contribute ideas and collaborate actively
- Support others and ensure smooth operations
- Observe and participate when needed
86. How do you approach learning new skills for your job?
- By taking formal courses or training
- Through hands-on practice and experience
- By seeking guidance from mentors or colleagues
- By researching and self-studying
87. What motivates you to excel in your career?
- Achieving personal goals and milestones
- Receiving recognition and praise
- Overcoming challenges and learning new things
- Maintaining stability and a good work-life balance
88. How do you deal with workplace conflicts?
- Address the issue directly and seek a resolution
- Try to find a compromise and understanding
- Seek mediation from a third party
- Avoid confrontation and focus on your tasks
89. What is your preferred method of communication at work?
- Face-to-face meetings
- Email or written communication
- Phone or video calls
- Instant messaging or chat apps
90. How do you handle repetitive or routine tasks?
- Find ways to streamline and improve efficiency
- Look for variety and change in your work
- Focus on completing tasks diligently
- Delegate tasks when possible

A personality question about career
Lord of the Rings personality quiz questions
These "Lord of the Rings" personality quiz questions will take you on a journey through Middle-earth. You can use them to find out if you are a brave warrior like Aragorn, a wise and powerful wizard like Gandalf, or a loyal and steadfast friend like Samwise, and more.
91. Which Middle-earth race do you most identify with?
92. If you were on a quest, what role would you prefer?
- The brave warrior
- The wise leader
- The loyal companion
- The clever strategist
93. What motivates you to embark on a journey?
- Personal honor and glory
- Duty and responsibility
- Adventure and excitement
- Helping others and making a difference
94. Which of these magical items would you choose to have?
- The One Ring
- Sting (Frodo’s sword)
- The Elven Cloak
- Andúril (Aragorn's sword)
95. How do you handle challenges and obstacles?
- Face them head-on with determination
- Seek guidance and advice before proceeding
- Look for creative solutions and alternatives
- Rely on the support and strength of allies
96. What type of leader do you admire most?
- The one who leads by example and courage
- The one who provides wisdom and guidance
- The one who listens and supports their people
- The one who makes strategic decisions and plans
97. Which Middle-earth location would you most like to visit?
- The Shire
- Rivendell
- Erebor
- Gondor
98. If you could join one of these groups, which would it be?
- The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Riders of Rohan
- The Elven Council
- The Dwarves of Erebor
99. What type of adventure appeals to you the most?
- A quest to destroy a powerful artifact
- A journey to discover ancient wisdom
- A battle to defend a homeland
- An exploration of uncharted lands
100. How do you prefer to spend your free time?
- Training and honing skills
- Reading and studying ancient lore
- Building and crafting
- Socializing and sharing stories
101. Which of these mythical creatures do you find most fascinating?
102. What is your approach to teamwork?
- Take charge and guide the group
- Offer support and wisdom
- Contribute practical skills and solutions
- Coordinate and strategize
103. Which character from "The Lord of the Rings" do you most admire?
- Frodo Baggins
- Gandalf the Grey
- Gimli the Dwarf
- Aragorn
104. How do you react when faced with a moral dilemma?
- Consider the honor and integrity of the choice
- Reflect on the long-term consequences and wisdom
- Assess the practical impact and immediate needs
- Seek the advice of trusted companions
105. What would be your preferred way to travel across Middle-earth?
- On horseback
- By magical means or elven pathways
- Through tunnels and underground passages
- By foot, exploring as you go
106. If you could have a special ability, which would it be?
- Invisibility
- Telepathy
- Super strength
- Enhanced agility and speed
107. What quality do you value most in a friend or ally?
- Bravery and courage
- Wisdom and insight
- Loyalty and dependability
- Cleverness and resourcefulness

A question about Lord of the Rings
Percy Jackson personality quiz questions
Have you ever wondered which Percy Jackson character you resemble the most? These questions will help reveal your true mythological identity. By going through these personality questions, go on a journey through Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter and find out which cabin you belong to.
108. What's your favorite type of weather?
- Stormy and dramatic
- Clear and sunny
- Cloudy and mysterious
- Calm and breezy
109. Which weapon would you choose for battle?
- Sword
- Bow and arrow
- Spear
- Dagger
110. What's your ideal way to spend a weekend?
- Exploring nature
- Studying ancient history
- Practicing sports
- Hanging out with friends
111. Which mythical creature do you find most fascinating?
- Pegasus
- Cyclops
- Centaur
- Satyr
112. Which subject do you enjoy the most?
- Physical Education
- History
- Art
- Music
113. How do you handle conflicts?
- Head-on with confidence
- Strategically and with planning
- With creativity and diplomacy
- By seeking compromise
114. What's your favorite color?
115. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
- Control over water
- Super strength
- Invisibility
- Flying
116. Which location would you like to visit?
- Underwater city
- Ancient ruins
- Enchanted forest
- Majestic mountains
117. What kind of friend are you?
- The leader
- The loyal sidekick
- The creative thinker
- The peacekeeper
118. What is your favorite pastime?
- Swimming
- Reading
- Crafting or drawing
- Playing an instrument
119. How would you describe your sense of humor?
- Sarcastic
- Dry and witty
- Goofy
- Light and cheerful
120. What kind of music do you prefer?
121. Which of these values is most important to you?
- Bravery
- Intelligence
- Creativity
- Loyalty
122. Which mythical place would you want to visit?
- Atlantis
- Mount Olympus
- The Labyrinth
- Elysium

A question about Percy Jackson
Star Wars personality quiz questions
These questions are designed to take you on an intergalactic journey through the universe and help you discover which Star Wars character you are more like. Think about which colors you would like your lightsaber to be and your favorite planet, and then go through the questions.
123. Which of the following best describes your approach to conflict?
- Face it head-on with determination
- Seek diplomatic solutions and negotiate
- Plan carefully and strategize
- Use creativity and unconventional methods
124. Which Star Wars character do you most identify with?
- Luke Skywalker
- Princess Leia
- Han Solo
- Yoda
125. If you could choose a lightsaber color, which would it be?
126. What type of droid would you prefer as a companion?
- A protocol droid for translating and etiquette
- An astromech droid for technical support
- A battle droid for combat and defense
- A scout droid for exploration and reconnaissance
127. How do you prefer to handle a new challenge?
- Dive in and adapt as needed
- Analyze the situation and plan carefully
- Seek advice from experienced mentors
- Approach it with creativity and innovation
128. Which of these Star Wars planets would you most like to visit?
- Tatooine
- Coruscant
- Hoth
- Endor
129. What is your preferred way to travel?
- In a sleek starfighter
- On a starship with a crew
- Using a personal speeder
- Teleporting or using a hyperdrive
130. How do you view the Force?
- A powerful ally for good
- A tool to maintain balance and order
- A means to gain strength and power
- An enigma to be explored and understood
131. Which role suits you best in a team setting?
- The leader who makes decisive choices
- The strategist who plans and organizes
- The fighter who takes action and defends
- The mediator who resolves conflicts and fosters cooperation
132. How do you feel about rules and authority?
- They are important and should be respected
- They are necessary but should be questioned
- They can be bent or broken if it’s for the greater good
- They are restrictive and should be challenged
133. What type of Star Wars weapon would you prefer?
- Lightsaber
- Blaster
- Bowcaster
- Thermal detonator
134. How do you approach learning new skills?
- Through hands-on experience and practice
- By studying and researching extensively
- With guidance from mentors or teachers
- Through experimentation and trial and error
135. Which Star Wars faction do you feel most aligned with?
- The Jedi Order
- The Rebel Alliance
- The Galactic Empire
- The Sith Order
136. What motivates you to take action?
- A sense of duty and honor
- Personal ambition and goals
- A desire to help others and make a difference
- The thrill of adventure and excitement
137. What is your approach to teamwork?
- Lead and direct the group towards the goal
- Support and coordinate with team members
- Take initiative and drive action
- Collaborate and contribute ideas

A question about Star Wars
Disney Princess personality quiz questions
These Disney Princess personality quiz questions are designed to discover one's inner princess. By answering these questions, you can find out which beloved Disney Princess, from the courageous Mulan to the fairest Snow White.
138. Which Disney Princess do you most admire?
- Cinderella
- Belle
- Ariel
- Mulan
139. How do you handle challenges in your life?
- With patience and perseverance
- By seeking knowledge and understanding
- Through courage and determination
- By relying on your inner strength and resourcefulness
140. What kind of setting appeals to you the most?
- A charming, magical kingdom
- An adventurous, enchanted forest
- A beautiful, mystical underwater world
- A bustling, vibrant city with rich history
141. If you were to embark on a journey, what would be your primary goal?
- To find true love and happiness
- To gain wisdom and learn new things
- To discover new places and experiences
- To prove your bravery and make a difference
142. Which quality do you value most in a friend?
- Kindness and loyalty
- Intelligence and curiosity
- Adventurous spirit and fun
- Strength and bravery
143. How do you prefer to spend your free time?
- Engaging in creative activities like crafting or organizing
- Reading books or learning new things
- Exploring new places and trying new experiences
- Participating in physical activities or training
144. Which magical object would you most like to have?
- A beautiful glass slipper
- A magical book with endless knowledge
- A shimmering, enchanted shell
- A powerful sword or weapon
145. What kind of romance do you dream of?
- A classic fairy tale with a charming prince
- An intellectual connection with deep conversations
- An adventurous and exciting love story
- A partnership based on mutual respect and bravery
146. How do you typically approach problems?
- By staying calm and seeking a fair solution
- By researching and analyzing the situation
- By taking action and confronting the issue directly
- By using creativity and unconventional methods
147. Which type of companion would you prefer on a journey?
- A loyal animal friend
- A wise and knowledgeable mentor
- A spirited and fun-loving sidekick
- A brave and skilled warrior
148. What motivates you to achieve your goals?
- The pursuit of happiness and personal fulfillment
- A desire to expand your horizons and learn more
- The thrill of adventure and discovery
- The challenge of overcoming obstacles and proving yourself
149. Which of these places would you most like to explore?
- A grand, elegant palace
- A mysterious, ancient library
- An underwater kingdom with magical creatures
- A majestic battlefield or training ground
150. How do you react to unexpected changes in your plans?
- Adapt and make the best of the situation
- Analyze the new circumstances and adjust your strategy
- Embrace the change and see it as an opportunity for adventure
- Assess the situation and find a way to regain control
151. What kind of leadership style do you admire?
- Compassionate and understanding
- Knowledgeable and insightful
- Bold and inspiring
- Courageous and decisive
152. How do you feel about traditions and customs?
- They are important and should be respected
- They are interesting but can be adapted to modern times
- They are enjoyable but should not limit exploration
- They are valuable but can be challenged for improvement

A question about Disney Princesses
How to create a personality quiz in 4 steps
Once you go over all the questions, and decide on which questions you want to include in your quiz, then you can start building it. When you use a clever quiz maker, such as forms.app, you will face no trouble. It has more than 5000 ready-to-use forms, quizzes, and survey templates, and if you want to start from the ground up, it is quite effortless too.

Log in your forms.app account
Easily create an account or login to your own. Then, you can either use one of the many templates, such as personality quiz template, or start from scratch. Additionally, you can also use the AI feature of forms.app by giving it a prompt saying, “Generate a 10-question long Fun Personality Quiz”, and it will generate it in seconds.
2. Customize it

Style your quiz
Whether you choose to start from scratch, use a template, or generate with AI, you have your questions ready. The next step is to customize it. You can add a background image, add pictures, customize the color and font or writings, and so much more.
3. Use the calculator

Use calculator to grade your quiz
There is a very useful tool in forms.app which is called the calculator. You can set points to each answering option and quiz takers gather the points as they answer questions. Then ,you can set a unique message for point ranges. For instance, if someone gets a 10-50 point range in a princess quiz, you can determine which Disney princess it correlates to.
4. Share the quiz

Share your quiz
After all the details, it is now time to share your quiz with your friends, colleagues, students, and family. You can copy the unique link to the quiz. You can also embed it on your web pages for everyone to see.
Key points to take away
Creating your own fun personality quiz with several intriguing questions is quite effortless with a useful quiz maker, such as forms.app. It has more than 5000 ready-to-use templates and useful features.
These 150+ quiz questions are gathered for anyone to use on their new personality quiz. You can go through the questions and find the most suitable ones for your goals. Also, for more information on how to build your own quiz, do not forget to check out how to make a free personality test on the blog of forms.app!