Online forms are a fantastic way to collect information, and they are the go-to method for many companies to interact with their customers and audiences. Furthermore, many companies look to improve their creation process by searching for ways to find new question types, collect necessary information such as email addresses, add questions of various kinds, and add new features to their forms.
A great way to increase attraction and engagement with your forms is to allow respondents to upload a file on your form. In this article, we will discuss what the upload a file button is in Google Forms, when to use it, a Google Forms tutorial for adding the upload file button, how to upload a file on, and frequently asked questions about Google Forms file upload button.
The upload a file button, also known as the file upload question, is a feature in Google Forms that allows participants of that form to access a file upload field.
This field enables participants to upload specific files needed by the organization or business and is considered a necessary part of certain forms.
The feature uploads the files to the form owner’s Google Drive, and respondents must sign into their Google accounts when file upload questions are added to a form. The creator of the form can also allow participants to upload only specific file types and customize the maximum file size.
Deciding when to use the file upload feature is pretty straightforward. Specific organizations use specific types of forms that require participants to upload files. These files are almost always crucial for both the participant and the business to move forward smoothly. You can expect to use the upload a file button if you are:
⏰A business that does a lot of recruiting and collects a lot of CVs.
⏰A photo or video editing company that has a large clientele.
⏰A teacher who has to collect files from students to review and grade them.
⏰An organization that holds various competitions where participants must upload their work to your database.
⏰An organization or a school that selects applicants for a loan or a scholarship that requires legal documents.
⏰A company or a worker taking over work from somebody else or another organization to complete their work for them.
The process of how to enable the file upload in Google Forms is a short process that requires little effort. The first thing that you have to do is open up a form using Google Forms. You can do this by opening a blank form or using a template.
After you open up your file, you will have to add a question using the plus sign within a circle at the top right side of the questions. After you add your question, you must click on the question to see the detailed settings of it.
💡You do not necessarily have to add a question; you can customize one by clicking on it and changing the question type.
Once you look at the detailed settings of the question, click on the part that reads Multiple choice to open up a dropdown menu. From there, you must select the File upload option to turn your question into a file upload section. You will see a disclaimer that informs you about the details of the feature, and after you click Continue, you can access the settings of the file upload question.
Click the Multiple choice
After you add your file upload section, you can change many settings, such as the number of files that can be uploaded, allowing only specific types of files, changing the maximum file size of the question and the form itself, and changing the Google Drive folder to which the file will be uploaded.
Customize the Google form settings is a great form builder alternative because adding an upload file section is more straightforward than other form builders. You do not have to change any settings, click anything, or even look at any disclaimers. Here is the step-by-step process for adding an upload file section on
Add a file upload section
Simply create a new form using a blank form, a template, or with the help of AI. Afterward, scroll down the Fields section until you see the Uploads part. You can drag and drop any section you want from the uploads part.
💡The best part is that does not offer just a file upload section. You can have an image upload section or even a drawing section for your form.
Customize the settings
If you want to change the settings of a specific upload section, simply click on the section itself and then click on the settings icon at the top right of the question. You can change how many files the section can hold to allow multiple files to be uploaded, change the specific file types that can be uploaded, or change the maximum number of images that can be uploaded within the image upload section.
💡You can connect your form to databases other than Google Drive, such as Google Sheets or Google Analytics, by going to the Connect section within the form builder.
Now that you have learned how to create a file upload section using Google Forms, it is time to answer frequently asked questions about uploading a file to Google Forms and the upload a file button. These questions offer great detail regarding specific scenarios and are great tips for running things smoothly.
Sie können ein Dokument in Google Forms importieren, wenn das Formular einen Abschnitt zum Hochladen von Dateien enthält. Wenn das Formular dies zulässt, können Sie in der Frage zum Hochladen einer Datei auf "Datei hinzufügen" klicken und dann die erforderlichen Dateien hochladen. Sie können jedoch nur Dateien innerhalb der Grenzen des Formulareigentümers hinzufügen.
Nein, Nicht-Google-Nutzer können keine Dateien mit Google Forms hochladen. Um eine Datei in ein mit Google Forms erstelltes Formular hochzuladen, müssen Sie über ein aktives Google-Konto verfügen, da Sie sich bei diesem Konto anmelden müssen, bevor Sie eine Datei hochladen können.
Ja, Sie können eine Datei in ein mit Google Forms erstelltes Formular hochladen, wenn das Formular dies zulässt. Um festzustellen, ob das Formular das Hochladen einer Datei zulässt, suchen Sie in den Fragen selbst nach einem Abschnitt "Datei hochladen". Wenn eine solche Frage vorhanden ist, können Sie Ihre Datei hochladen.
Es gibt mehrere Gründe, warum Sie möglicherweise keine Dokumente in ein mit Google Forms erstelltes Formular hochladen können. Erstens kann es sein, dass das Formular selbst keinen Upload-Bereich hat, so dass Sie nichts tun können. Zweitens kann es sein, dass der Eigentümer des Formulars die Einstellungen geändert hat, um bestimmte Dateitypen zuzulassen, und dass Ihre Datei die Kriterien nicht erfüllt.
Der dritte Grund ist die Anzahl der Dateien, die Sie hochladen möchten. Wenn der Formulareigentümer die Einstellungen geändert hat, können Sie nur eine bestimmte Anzahl von Dateien hochladen. Der letzte Grund ist die Dateigröße. Wenn der Formulareigentümer die Dateigröße, die in ein Formular hochgeladen werden kann, angepasst hat, kann die Datei, die Sie hochladen möchten, diese Grenze nicht überschreiten.
In summary, having an upload file section, also known as a file upload question, is an excellent addition to collecting detailed information. It is beneficial in situations such as job applications, collecting papers or homework for teachers, or collecting legal documents. Furthermore, you can customize the upload section to your liking to personalize the experience further.
In this article, we have discussed what the upload a file button is, when to use the file upload section, how to add the upload a file section on Google Forms, showed you a better alternative for collecting files with, and answered frequently asked questions about the upload a file section. It is now up to you to test both form builders and see the difference for yourself.
Yakup is a content writer at He is also a skilled translator. His hobbies include reading, learning about different languages, and different branches of sports. Yakup's expertise lies in translation, NoCode tools, and Google Forms.