Complex business dynamics require analysis of variables to reveal this structure. This is where bivariate analysis comes into play. With bivariate analysis, you can uncover the factors that affect the results. Although researchers use this type of analysis in many different areas, businesses mostly use this analysis to understand the relationships between sales, products, customers, and employees.
In short, it is possible to obtain helpful information that will ensure the continuity of a business with this analysis. In this article, why bivariate analysis is important has been explained in detail many times. Accordingly, when and where you should apply it is also explained. And lastly, its types are presented with examples to help you understand. Now, join the world of statistics and bivariate analysis.
Bivariate analysis is a research method that investigates the relationships between two variables to gain statistical data about their mutual influences.
Examining the correlation and causation of data provides tangible information for decision mechanisms. The bivariate analysis aims to identify two factors that lead to a cause, examine their changes, and make sense of this dynamic.
Business owners can make better decisions for their businesses by taking advantage of many types of analysis, such as narrative analysis, conjoint analysis, bivariate analysis, and so on. With so many types of analysis, understanding why and when you should use bivariate analysis will help you make your decision-making choices.
Think of bivariate analysis as stepping stones to the tower of statistics. For a good business, it is necessary to both climb these steps and strengthen these steps. You will understand the durability of these steps with the examples shown below. Now, there are roughly five reasons you should use bivariate analysis:
Analyzes are resources that a business must use frequently in the normal course of business. Bivariate analysis is also included in this generalization, but some situations may be more optimal time for you to use analysis. Below, important timestamps when you should use bivariate analysis are explained with examples.
The world of statistics is a very fertile and diverse place. It may seem easy to derive statistics in this diverse place, but when, where, and which statistical method you will use is a very important factor to make it easy. There are six main bivariate analysis methods/types you can use:
Types of bivariate analysis
A scatterplot is a statistical graph that shows the relation of two variables on the x-axis and y-axis. It is the most basic tool that shows a pattern when you place the data you collected from a survey on the x-axis and y-axis. This pattern will lead to the conclusion of your analysis.
Example: You want to compare the monthly incomes of your stores in 2023 and 2024. The X-axis is used for 2024 monthly incomes, and the y-axis is used for 2023 monthly incomes. You place the data on both axes and dot the corresponding months on the chart. All you do here is called scatterplot.
This is a scatterplot evaluation method. It is also called the correlation coefficient. It shows the direction of a linear relationship between two variables, whether positive or negative. The most known correlation analysis types are Pearson analysis and Spearman rank analysis. There are three main measures of correlation:
Example: You will launch a new electronic product, and before launching it, you ask consumers whether they need this product(or whether they will use it). You can prepare a scale from 1 (I never use) to 5 (I always use) as an answer. Consider the age of the consumers as one axis(x) and whether they will use the product or not as another axis(y). Using appropriate programs, you can easily create a correlation table of the resulting data. If those in the 20-25 age range chose 5, and those in the 55-60 age range chose 1, then a positive correlation appears.
Regression analysis is a quantitative analysis method used to find out the relationship between two or more variables. If a single variable is used, it is called univariate regression(simple linear regression); if more than one variable is used, it is called multivariate regression(multiple linear regression) analysis.
Example: There are five stores of yours, and their monthly income varies from 50 to 80 thousand dollars. The expenses of these shops are in the range of 20 to 30. Place the variables on the x and y axes. Draw a regression line on the scatter diagram, and after the calculations, it will give you the predicted score of one-to-one correspondence of each value.
A t-test is used to measure the degree of difference between the two groups. It is useful to understand whether the resulting data is correct or whether it occurred randomly. A bivariate analysis table can be prepared to organize groups and variables. It will help you to compare percentages and frequencies.
Example: You have prepared a survey to examine the problem-solving skills of employees who have been working for more than five years and those who have been working for less than one year in your workplace. First, determine your hypothesis. For example, those who have worked for more than five years will have more problem-solving skills. Then, do a t-test, compare the data with your hypothesis, and determine if there is a deviation.
Analysis of variance or ANOVA test is an extension of the t-test. It compares multiple groups using one variable to reach a conclusion. For example, healthcare is one group, and education is another group. They have common grounds, like medical education.
Example: There are 3 different phone brands (these are a group), but they all have different battery life (this is a group). You've hypothesized whether there is a significant battery life difference between them and collected data to measure it. You applied the ANOVA test and decided whether the result matched your prediction or not.
It is a type of analysis performed to examine the difference between what is expected to happen within a group and what actually happens. This way, you can uncover why this deviation in your hypothesis occurs and use it in decision-making.
Example: You will launch a new drug, but you want to measure whether this drug responds positively to the disease. You can create a contingency table, a section for those who use the drug and those who do not use it, and a section for those who do or do not have the disease. Then, the result is obtained by doing a chi-square test.
Do you want to know more about bivariate analysis? This FAQ guide will give you answers about this type of analysis. Whether you are new to statistics or looking here to clarify some issues, these questions have been compiled to answer the questions you are looking for quickly.
İki değişkenli analiz, iki değişken arasındaki güçlü ilişkiyi bulmak için kullanılır. Bu nedenle çok değişkenli analiz gibi karmaşık veriler yerine anlaşılması ve okunması çok kolay veriler sağlar. Değişkenler incelenerek neden-sonuç ilişkisi kurulabilir ve veriye dayalı karar verme süreci oldukça hızlanır.
İki değişkenli analiz ve korelasyon birbiriyle ilişkili ancak aynı temele sahip olmayan iki kavramdır. İki değişkenli analiz genel anlamda iki farklı değişkeni inceleyen bir analiz türü iken korelasyon iki değişkenin doğrusal olarak birbirine bağlı olması anlamına gelmektedir. Dolayısıyla iki değişkenli analizin geniş ölçekli bir ilişki analizi, korelasyonun ise bir ilişkinin hangi aşamada olduğuna dair bir ölçü olduğu söylenebilir.
Olumsallık tablosu, iki değişkeni ortaya çıkma sıklıklarıyla birlikte incelemek için kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Bu tablo, bu iki değişken arasındaki ilişkileri analiz etmek amacıyla kullanılan bir araçtır. Olumsallık tablosu oluşturmak için yalnızca satır ve sütunları çizmeniz ve verilerden elde edilen değerleri yerleştirmeniz gerekir. Böylece bu tablolar verilerinizi düzenlemeye yardımcı olur.
İki değişkenli analiz içeren birçok test türü vardır. Yaygın olarak kullanılan yöntemler regresyon analizi, korelasyon katsayısı, T-Testi, ki-kare testi, ANOVA (Varyans analizi) ve olumsallık tablolarıdır.
Öncelikle bulunan değişken sayısı farklıdır. Bu nedenle, verileri analiz etme yöntemleri de doğal olarak farklıdır. Tek değişkenli analizde ortalama, medyan, aralık ve mod gibi tanımlayıcı istatistikler kullanılır.
İki değişkenli analizde ise korelasyon, regresyon, t-testleri ve ANOVA testleri gibi yöntemleri kullanır. Örneğin, müşterilerinizin yaşını incelemek için tek değişkenli analiz kullanılabilirken müşterilerinizin yaşlarına göre hangi ürün modellerini tercih ettiklerini incelemek için iki değişkenli analizden yararlanabilirsiniz.
In this article, the structure and content of bivariate analysis has been explained. It also has been shown how businesses can use this statistical analysis to their advantage. Examples of bivariate analysis have been provided to get a better insight into it. As a result, it is very easy to benefit from the bivariate analysis whether you are a large or small business.
Atakan is a content writer at He likes to research various fields like history, sociology, and psychology. He knows English and Korean. His expertise lies in data analysis, data types, and methods.