You know you're not talking to your friend like you're talking to a grocery store cashier, or communication with your family is different from communication with strangers. The field of discourse is interested in these situations as context and human relations.
The language you use carries traces of you and reflects your identity, but this process of language use mostly manifests itself subconsciously. It is at this point that discourse analysis lends you a helping hand to explore the world of discourses.
Discourse analysis (DA) is a type of analysis that examines how language is used in a social context using a variety of research methods.
People use different languages and speak according to different vocabularies in different social environments. This not only constructs discourse but also shapes culture by regulating social relations. Therefore, discourse analysis does not only examine sentences or expressions; it also tries to describe the structural process of language and language use.
Discourse analysis includes different methods in terms of focusing on communication and language use. To share the most common of these with you:
Types of discourse analysis
Textual analysis examines the written part of the discourse. Although it is generally used to describe the linguistic features of written texts, you can also examine the transcript of any conversation. With this method, researchers can reveal word choices, style of expression, use of expressions and idioms, formal or informal language, and cultural reflections in any text.
The focus of critical discourse analysis is the language usage in the construction of power relations. They are interested in the reflection of social order in language and what can be done to understand these social variables. Examining the language usage of teachers toward students, bosses toward their employees, and politicians toward the public can be given as examples of this.
This analysis studies daily conversations. Many factors of speech are taken into consideration. For example, what is your speaking and listening frequency, how much body language do you use, or how much eye contact do you make? All of these are important factors that determine the course of communication and the construction of social relations.
Pragmatics, as a branch of linguistics, is the study of language in context. Rather than examining words simply, their meanings and messages in the real world are examined along with their dimensions. For example, saying someone's name while getting angry and shouting someone's name with joy are two situations that have the same meaning in the literal sense of the word but have different consequences in the pragmatic sense.
There are many methods by which you can perform discourse analysis. Still, as in any analysis, the analysis has two stages: data collection, that is, the initial stage, and data evaluation, that is, the analysis stage.
First of all, the purpose and scope of the research are determined. This is the basis for the data to be collected and the methodologies to be chosen. If your foundation is strong, the structure you build on will also be strong.
You should find the source that best suits your research question. Social media posts, user comments, news articles, scientific articles, interviews, or surveys are well-known qualitative data sources. But again, these options should not be chosen randomly. Not every social media or newspaper is the same and may not fit your goals for your research. Factors such as who uses these environments and texts also need to be examined.
Finally, make the data you have collected ready for analysis. If you are going to perform your analysis on a computer, if your data is a hard copy, you will need to convert it to a soft copy.
Know your data. Data is far from being simple; there are many social, cultural and historical factors in its background. This changes the use, choice, source and target of language.
Analyze the structure of the text. Outline the text, and identify key concepts. Sort out the elements that make up the meaning and start coding. For this, you need to read the text well and rearrange it so that it is not overlooked.
Now that everything is ready, all that remains is to understand the discourse expressions. Analysis is made by taking into account many features such as the accuracy, consistency, style, tone, etc. of an expression. Discourse analysis is completed by determining the general characteristics and situational structure of the speech. What follows is post-analysis and enters the interpretation part.
Discourse analysis may have different needs depending on which research field you are in. Because there are many different fields, such as linguistics, sociology, psychology, and education. But in general, if you ask when to use a discourse analysis, the following can be said:
Discourse analysis can be examined as two main methods and their subbranches. The first method deals with language use, and the second one deals with socio-cultural studies.
For example, a politician is speaking at an election rally. In the speech, he promises to his voters about the economy. These promises include tax regulations, factory openings, and job creation. The politician speaks in a persuasive language, using rhetoric rather than simple expressions. He very often presents counterexamples and criticizes his opponents.
Now, if you want to perform a discourse analysis on this political speech:
The benefits of discourse analysis may vary depending on the purpose you use it for, but in general terms, the benefits are as follows:
You can take a look at the FAQ below to read answers to questions directly related to discourse analysis.
Par exemple, l'examen de la manière dont les commentaires sur un projet de loi électorale par les partis de droite et de gauche sont reflétés sur les écrans de télévision ou dans les titres des journaux est une analyse du discours.
Les quatre principaux types d'analyse du discours dans toute recherche qualitative sont l'analyse textuelle, l'analyse de la conversation, l'analyse critique du discours et l'analyse pragmatique.
L'analyse du discours est évaluée dans différents cadres théoriques. Il s'agit notamment des théories structuraliste, sociolinguistique, critique et pragmatique. Le structuralisme se concentre sur la description des structures du langage et de son utilisation. La sociolinguistique examine la dimension sociale du langage et des relations interpersonnelles.
La théorie critique, quant à elle, révèle la hiérarchie du pouvoir et les inégalités sociales dans le discours. Enfin, la pragmatique vise à explorer le rôle du contexte et des expériences dans l'établissement ou la mise en œuvre de la communication. Par conséquent, ces théories aident à comprendre et à simplifier la structure complexe de la communication.
L'identité, le contexte et les éléments de pouvoir sont les principaux concepts de l'analyse du discours.
L'identité : Ce que vous dites est votre identité. Lorsque l'on commente une personne, on s'intéresse avant tout à ce qu'elle dit et à la manière dont elle le dit. C'est pourquoi l'analyse du discours est utilisée pour examiner l'identité des individus et des groupes.
Le contexte : Le moment, le lieu, la personne, la raison et le sens de l'utilisation de la langue constituent le contexte. Il est donc difficile d'examiner les phrases simplement. L'analyse du discours y contribue en examinant l'importance et la fonction du contexte.
Le pouvoir : Les relations de pouvoir social constituent une autre dimension du discours. Il est un fait que les gens utilisent des langues différentes en fonction de certains facteurs sociaux tels que l'âge, la position et le statut socio-économique. L'analyse du discours permet de décrire et de comprendre cette attitude sociale.
L'analyse du discours est un sujet qui a été popularisé en linguistique, notamment dans les années 1950 par Zellig Harris. Elle vise à révéler les secrets du langage humain en décrivant le schéma de la parole. Elle sert également de pont entre les sciences sociales en tant que domaine d'étude interdisciplinaire.
L'objectif principal de l'analyse du discours est d'examiner et de comprendre systématiquement les structures profondes et superficielles de l'utilisation de la langue. Elle examine les structures sociales de la communication et du discours dans des contextes et des relations de sens. Elle tente de comprendre l'effet des caractéristiques de la langue sur les personnes et les cultures.
This article has been prepared to provide an introduction to discourse analysis and detailed information about the subject. For this purpose, first of all, a definition of discourse analysis was provided in the introduction. Then, the types you can use in research were mentioned.
Afterward, the method of using discourse analysis was explained step by step. When you may need it is explained in another topic. Two main approaches were then presented. Finally, examples of discourse analysis and advantages were explained. Thus, the article touched upon many useful points and made you informed about discourse analysis in research.
Atakan is a content writer at He likes to research various fields like history, sociology, and psychology. He knows English and Korean. His expertise lies in data analysis, data types, and methods.