Marketing is a world full of opportunities where everybody wants to take their share. After reading our marketing statistics for 2023, you will be more enthusiastic about marketing! In this article, you will find many interesting statistics about marketing with more than one category.
The interest in marketing is getting bigger and bigger day by day. Since many people are trying to get into marketing, it is essential to review lived experiences with statistics and decide accordingly. Now, get ready to see 100+ interesting marketing statistics examples that will blow your mind and more!
You should check the statistics since you will be more informed about the topic when you do it in advance, looking at the relevant data. Each data we have gathered for you can provide you with tidbits of advice. By reviewing them, you will be able to make healthier and more accurate decisions.
Moreover, by looking at the statistics from marketers planning who have similar experiences to you, you can predict the outcomes before things go too far. If you also want to identify false claims, you need to check the statistics related to marketing before getting down to business.
You may use marketing strategies to guide your decisions while you draft your marketing industry plan. Checking the marketing statistics is a must for you if you want to develop an efficient marketing strategy. To think bigger and broaden your horizon, we have found the 100 best marketing statistics for you:
Since social media has become a part of our lives, marketing efforts and strategies have changed, like giveaways & contests. For that reason, unique strategies and approaches have been developed by market lovers. If you are specifically interested in social media marketing, look at the social media marketing statistics:
1. Social media marketing revenue will reach $223,11 billion in 2023. (Report Linker)
2. CTR for social media advertising grew by 0.1% year-over-year. (Statista)
3. Internet consumers prefer using social media to contact when getting in touch with brands, according to 33% of respondents. (OptinMonster)
4. Social media is used by 54% of internet users to do product research. (GWI)
5. 64% of social media users buy something after seeing a video. (Biteable)
6. In 2022, 98% of consumers-up from 90% in 2019- used the Internet to research local companies. (Bright Local)
7. Social media stories are considered an effective form of marketing by 57% of marketers. (Buffer)
8. 72% of social media users in the US have at some time reviewed a company. (Bright Local)
9. In 2021, Reddit and TikTok saw the fastest growth. (Sprout Social)
10. 500 million people use Instagram stories on a daily basis. (Social Pilot)
11. TikTok, accessible in +150 markets and +35 languages, is the most popular app downloaded in more than 40 nations. (Hoot Suite)
12. Instagram users that are bots might number up to 95 million (%9.5), costing marketers $1.3 billion. (Social Pilot)
13. TikTok advertisements in the US may potentially reach 109,538,000 people. Russia (57+), Indonesia (+69), and Brazil (76 million) are the next-largest ad reach markets. (Hoot Suite)
14. While 35.1% of TikTok users use the app to follow or look into companies, 78% go there to find hilarious or entertaining content. (Hoot Suite)
15. On Instagram, 74% of marketers want to reach a new target; 69% want to raise brand awareness, and 46% want to boost their sales. (Social Pilot)
Source: Biteable
Each marketing strategy has to prove its difference and uniqueness. These differences or uniqueness can be proved in the product or service content. So, content has been a significant part of marketing, especially in the last few years. To be more convinced, check the content marketing statistics given below:
16. Content usage increased by about 207% during the pandemic. (Mediafly)
17. According to a B2B Content Marketing Study by CMI, 40% of B2B marketers have a defined content marketing plan, 33% do not, and 27% have no strategy at all. (Content Marketing Institute)
18. According to 2022 statistics, 62% of respondents stated they thought it was crucial to be “always on” for their clients, while 23% said content-led communications were the most successful in achieving tailored targeting. (Statista)
19. Short content (300-900 words) draws 75% fewer backlinks and 21% less traffic than content with 900-1200 words. (Semrush State of Marketing)
20. The majority of content types only get a 5-minute assessment from buyers. (DemandGen Content Preferences Survey)
21. More than half of marketers claim to outsource part of their content marketing. (Content Marketing Institute)
22. According to a recent article by blogger Ryan Robinson, the typical blog reader spends 37 seconds reading it. (Ryan Robinson)
23. 73% of B2B and 70% of B2C marketers use content marketing as a component of their marketing plan. (Content Marketing Institute)
24. Buyers spend an average of 8.5 minutes seeing static content items and 13 minutes browsing interactive content items, with interactive content seeing 52.6% greater interaction than static material. (Mediafly)
25. Among the top worries for B2C marketers are changes to social media algorithms (53%), SEO/search algorithm changes (64%), and data management/analytics (48%) changes. (Content Marketing Insitute)
26. The amount spent on podcast advertising in the US is anticipated to climb by 27% from 2022 (Statista)
27. 78% of consumers said that seeing a video persuaded them to purchase or download a piece of software or app. (Wyzowl)
28. After 7 minutes of reading, engagement begins in the blog. (Medium)
Source: Mediafly
The importance of email marketing cannot be ignored. It still holds power compared to other marketing strategies. Email marketing owes its potential to the ability to communicate with customers and website visitors. To know more about the abilities of email marketing, you can check the email marketing statistics given below:
29. 49% of companies utilize email automation in some capacity. (Email Monday)
30. 77% of marketers said they use email to offer customized content to their subscribers to please consumers and produce more permanent communications. (Statista)
31. According to research by Experian, email subject lines incorporating an emoji raised open rates over text-only subject lines by 56%. (Campaign Monitor)
32. Too many emails (59%), outdated information (43%), and lack of familiarity with the brand or memory of signing up for the list (43%) are the top 3 reasons why consumers opt to unsubscribe from an email list. (Optin Monster)
33. Compared to visitors from social media and search engines, email subscribers are 3.9 times more likely to promote your content on social media, and 4.24% of email marketing visitors make purchases. (Quick Sprout)
34. Personalized emails generate 6 times more transactions. (Instapage)
35. If you personalize the subject lines of your emails as well, the open rate of emails with customized subject lines increases by 26%. (Campaign Monitor)
36. Many marketers adapt emails depending on recipients’ attributes, including age and gender (66% of marketers do so). (Statista)
37. Compared to Facebook and Twitter put together, email is 40 times more successful in acquiring clients. (McKinsey & Company)
38. When consumers are advertised via email, they spend 138% more than when they are not. (Disruptive)
39. Mobile devices accounted for at least 50% of all read emails, mainly due to the ease with which users check their inboxes while on the go. (Email Monday)
40. Over 1.8 billion people use Gmail monthly, doing it the most widely used email service. (TechJury)
41. Compared to other sing-offs, an email that concludes with “thanks in advance” or similar expressions got more responses. (Boomerang)
Source: Instapage
One cannot deny the effect of influencers on marketing. People are influenced by their recommendations and comments, which quickly changes the rates. Also, influencers have a huge importance in terms of giveaways. You can check our article on striking statistics about giveaways. If you want to be more acknowledged about it, see the influencer marketing statistics:
42. In 2022, the influencer marketing industry worthed $16.4 billion. (Influencer Marketing Hub)
43 Despite having fewer monthly active users (1.3 billion) than Facebook, one of the most popular channels with (2.89 billion), most companies use Instagram as their preferred platform for their influencer marketing initiatives. (Statista)
44. More brands are choosing to carry out their own influencer campaigns. (Influencer Marketing Hub)
45. Influencer marketing has been employed by 93% of marketers, and it is now recognized as a crucial advertising tactic. (Oberlo)
46. Nonprofit (20.39%), agriculture, fishing, forestry, and hunting (20.13%), government (19.79%), and healthcare services (19.12%) are the sectors with the most incredible open rates in email marketing. (Campaign Monitor)
47. In the opinion of 40% of millennials, social media influencers know them better than their friends. (Google)
48. In 2023, marketers anticipate spending $32 billion or more on influencers globally. (Adgully)
49. Businesses typically return $5.20 on every dollar invested in influencer marketing. (NeoRich)
50. According to 89% of marketers, influencer marketing produces an ROI that is at least as excellent as that of the other strategies. (Smart Insights)
51. Influencer marketing is popular with young customers. Hearing from others who share their interests is one thing that this generation enjoys. (Google)
52. In a poll, 80% of respondents admitted to purchasing a product after receiving a suggestion from an influencer. (Rakuten Marketing)
53. Case studies were cited by 47% of respondents as the most helpful influencer content. (Ceros)
Source: Google
With the start of online life, digital marketing has emerged. For this reason, digital marketing strategies have developed, too. If you want to make your brand name heard, you should take digital marketing seriously. We have collected the best digital/online marketing statistics below:
54. In 45% of businesses, there is no clear digital marketing plan. (Smart Insights)
55. Marketing teams are 313% more likely to report success other than those that do not by documenting their plan. (CoSchedule)
56. With the use of digital marketing strategies, 75% of marketers were able to boost customer credibility and trust. (Active Captain)
57. Google is the source of 74% of all worldwide search traffic. (Net Market Share)
58. The second page will only receive 0.78% of clicks from Google searching. (Back Linko)
59. Utilizing video content on the landing page often boosts conversions by 86%. (World Stream)
60. Fewer than 22% of companies are pleased with their conversion rates. (Business2 Community)
61. On Google, there are more than 98,000 searches each second. (Internet Live Stats)
62. Emails with video content can increase click-through rates by up to 300%. (Omnicore)
63. If your website is not optimized for mobile, you lose 61% of consumers. (True List)
64. The conversion rate between desktop and mobile is 270% lower. (Tech Jury)
65. Consumers prefer blog postings to advertisements by 70%. (Blogging Wizard)
66. According to Statista’s data, 94% of Facebook’s Ad revenue comes from mobile advertising. (Statista)
67. On LinkedIn, there are 55 million enterprises. (World Stream)
68. An average business professional sends and receives 121 emails daily. (The Financial Brand)
69. Digital marketing channels get 72% of all marketing spending. (World Stream)
Affiliate marketing has a significant share in marketing. Affiliate marketing ensures each side has its own profit, and for this reason, it is being used by many businesses. Especially promoting a giveaway is a popular one. If you want to take advantage of affiliate marketing, have a look at the interesting statistics that we have prepared for you:
70. For 20% of brand marketers, affiliate marketing is their most successful channel. (Forrester)
71. For 31% of publishers, affiliate marketing is the primary source of income. (Insider Intelligence)
72. Between 2015-2021, the search for “affiliate marketing” doubled. (Google)
74. During the Covid-19 lockdown, 56% of affiliate programs saw an increase in revenue. (IAB UK)
75. Affiliate marketing in the toy industry grew 109% in 2020. (Insider Intelligence)
76. Influencers are used by 59% of businesses for affiliate marketing. (Influencer Marketing Hub)
77. Most affiliate marketers (81.2%) claim to earn more than $20,000 annually. (Affise)
78. CPA payment models are available in 99% of affiliate programs. (IAB UK)
79. Reviews influence 77% of consumers’ purchasing decisions. (Edelman)
80. The global affiliate market is about $12 billion. (Luisa Zhou)
81. The conversion rate for affiliate marketing typically ranges from 0.5% to 1%. (Influencer Marketing Hub)
82. Blogs are a common tool affiliate marketers use to boost online traffic. (Influencer Marketing Hub)
Source: Forrester
With the developments in technology, marketing has developed some interesting marketing tools and software, such as marketing automation. It turns out that marketing automation has some important rates in marketing. Here are some significant marketing automation statistics that we have found for you:
83. This year, 63% of marketers want to raise their spending for marketing automation. (Inves Pro)
84. Between 2021 and 2027, the market for marketing automation software is expected to increase at a rate of 17.67%. (Statista)
85. By implementing marketing automation software, 4 out of every 5 customers experienced an increase in leads, and nearly as many (77%) saw an increase in conversions. (Inves Pro)
86. More than 50% of the market of marketing automation solutions is accounted for by three companies: HubSpot (33.74%), ActiveCampaign (10.04%), and Adobe (7.5%). (Datanyze)
87. Recent studies show that marketing automation often improves sales productivity by up to 14.5%. (Inves Pro)
88. Within the next 24 months, hyper-automation will be on the technology roadmaps of 80% of enterprises. (SalesForce)
89. According to 74% of respondents, technology's potential to save people time was its most significant benefit. (Inves Pro)
90. Companies that use marketing automation get a 451% increase in qualified leads. (Business2 Community)
91. According to 68.5% of marketers, email marketing automation improved their targeting. (TrueList)
You can use small business statistics to guide your decisions while you prepare your marketing strategy. The best part is that you can confidently perform all of these, as they are all based on research and various business experiences. Check the small business marketing statistics:
92. 74% of firms plan to increase their marketing plan budgets in the first half of 2023. (Small Business Trends)
93. Small-to-medium business owners utilize social media for marketing 93% of the time. (Zipdo)
94. 25% of small company owners are women, and 75% are men. (Guidant Financial)
95. Small startups provide 44% of the GDP in the United States. (Small Business Administration)
96. More than 80% of small businesses do not have any workers. (Forbes Advisor)
97. 74.86% of small startup owners are happy. (Luisa Zhou)
98. Small business owners earn 3% more annually than the national median pay. (Payscale)
99. Leading industries for small businesses are Retail (18%), Food and Restaurant (12%), Health, Beauty, and Fitness Services (10%), Construction and Contracting (8%), and Residential and Commercial Services (7%). (Guidant Financial)
100. For social media marketing, 77% of small businesses rely on in-house staff members. (Zipdo)
Last but not least, each business should have its own marketing strategy and paths to follow; however, these marketing statistics can show you the tips without losing time or being unsuccessful. If you are a marketing lover or follower, you will be satisfied with these +100 marketing statistics that will blow your mind.
Şeyma is a content writer at She loves art and traveling. She is passionate about reading and writing. Şeyma has expertise in surveys, survey questions, giveaways, statistics, and online forms.