
Diskon hingga 65% untuk semua paket tahunan! 🎁 Dapatkan paket tahunan apa pun dengan diskon hingga 65%! ❄️ 🏷️


You can combine your forms with your Harvest account via Zapier. Thus, you can save new customer profiles through your replies or add a task or project to your work routine.

What you need to get started:

● account

● Harvest account/workspace

● A Zapier account

How to set up this integration?

  1. Click the 'Use This Integration' button.
  2. Once you are taken to Zapier's page, click on the “ + Harvest Connect” button.
  3. Sign in to your Zapier and accounts.
  4. Follow the simple steps to set up the integration you like.
  5. End the integration and enable Zap.

Simplify your work routine by integrating your and Harvest accounts!